Restore Deleted File


Aug 23, 2011
hello everyone, i am new to this thread.. hoping someone could help me.

i bought an apad from china running adroid OS 2.2. however, i accidentally deleted a file with .db file extension. since then, my device no longer saves or when it does, it fails to delete files. recorder does not function anymore so does with the video. what should i do... somebody help me please.
Have you tried rebooting the phone - sometimes that is enough to clear these types of issues.

Failing that have you tried a factory restore, which should put back the file you deleted.
Hello Lisa. Since it's been almost 2 months, I doubt singlekey3214 will be checking this thread for a reply any more. Usually a thread that's been idle for a week or more has been pretty much abandoned. However, I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the forum. It's nice that you're trying to help already.
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That's because the post you read was phony balony. I removed it so as not to confuse anyone else. Unless your tablet was rooted there is no way to recover deleted files from the internal memory.
I don't feel you actually tried that software to do what was originally requested so I deleted your post. It would not work.