Rocking good news for gTablet - and a reason for 1.2 Bootloader!


Staff member
Sep 24, 2010
For those that have missed this news because they have lives that do not revolve around reading all the gossip and technobabble about the G-Tablet, here is some great information!

Our good friend over at SlateDroid (and here, and elsewhere) Roebeet has verified that the 1.2 Bootloader and the Notion Ink Adam bootloader share a ton of the same DNA and are VERY similar. YAYY!!

So, as my wife likes to say when I get geeky and excited, "What exactly does that mean Peter?!" Well, since the bootloader is very similar:
1) we no longer have to wait for Viewsonic to release their source code, we already have it from Notion;
2) While there is NO guarantees here, Notion Ink has announced they have an imminent release of a Honeycomb ROM. Again, since the base seems to be the same we may by extension be close to a full true Honeycomb ROM (not one mocked up from the SDK).
3) Finally, this opens it up to a lot more opportunity for other advances since it looks like we now have an open path to the source. Kernels, other mods, etc.

BIG kudos to Roebeet and his co-horts, and let's see where this goes!
So this means that there is a possibility to port Honeycomb to the Gtab quicker?
There is actually already a HC port running on G-Tablet as of late Saturday/early Sunday. Lots of things not working quite right, and lots of tweaks needed...but yep. It is coming...
Thanks Peter! We all know the gTab's got the guts...can't wait to see HC in action. :)

This is very good news. I was thinking about trying a different ROM but I'll just hold off.