[ROM] Augen Gentouch78 v2 ROM Dump

I think there was someone on XDA that had a V2 Augen ...but he never responded to my PM.

If you come up with one, PM me....I'm trying to get this effort going again....not willing to just give up on this....
I would be happy to help... Just walk me through what I gotta do and I will get stuff over to you.
Here's the process, reference from SD

You need to use adb shell. Reference: http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...esource-how-use-adb-android-debug-bridge.html

Telechips needs special drivers, also found in that thread

Paste the output of
# cat /proc/mtd

Also, enter the following commands via shell, which will generate a full dump onto your sd card, where the filenames correspond to the names of the partitions

Then perform the dump
For example:
dd if=/dev/block/mtdblock0 of=/sdcard/bootloader.img
dd if=/dev/block/mtdblock1 of=/sdcard/boot.img
dd if=/dev/block/mtdblock2 of=/sdcard/system.img
dd if=/dev/block/mtdblock3 of=/sdcard/splash.img
dd if=/dev/block/mtdblock4 of=/sdcard/cache.img
dd if=/dev/block/mtdblock5 of=/sdcard/data.img
dd if=/dev/block/mtdblock6 of=/sdcard/persist.img
dd if=/dev/block/mtdblock7 of=/sdcard/recovery.img
dd if=/dev/block/mtdblock8 of=/sdcard/misc.img
dd if=/dev/block/mtdblock9 of=/sdcard/tcc.img

Upload the results to something like multiupload. If you have information on the device, do not upload cache and data.
Not to sidetrack this thread, xaueious, Can you provide those dumps for the GT78 1st gen? Every time I try to run these either from recovery or adb shell or terminal, I end up with something that doesn't match the last file size..

Nevermind, was due to an unstable rom.
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That recovery doesn't seem to work. My devices just goes to a black screen. Also if you type "fastboot boot" + the name of the recovery img it tells me that it is not complete. So I have decided to build clockwork mod for the 2nd gens myself.
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Well I failed miserably at that. I could never get it to unpackbootimg correctly. It kept telling me that it can't find unpackbootimg. Its in the /out/host/linux-x86/bin/ directory.