[ROM] Custom ROM for Coby Kyros 7042 - Rooted, Deodexed, Google Play

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Senior Member
Sep 3, 2011
Disclaimer: Due to users continuously bricking their tablets by attempting to use this ROM, the link to the ROM has been removed from the post. Users are encouraged to use the methods presented in any of the following threads to root this tablet.



This isn't much, just a slight modification of the stock firmware with root, Google Play, and a few other changes.

This firmware was tested on a Novo 7 Elf and it worked fine, but you are solely responsible for its use.
If it bricks your tablet you've been warned.

- Gapps + Google Play fix
- Rooted
- NetworkLocation service fixed (to pinpoint your location in apps like Google Maps)
- Deodexed for easier modding/theming
- Samsung Galaxy tab fingerprint for better app compatibility

Version 0.1:

Flashing instructions:
- Download LiveSuite, this is the flashing software for A10 devices
- Run LiveSuitePack.exe (a bunch of files will be extracted to the current folder, so best to create a new one)
- Now run livesuite.exe
- Choose "SelectImage"
- Choose the coby_kyros_4.0.3.img
- Now you need to put your device in upgrade mode, to do so:
1. power off the device
2. Press and hold any physical key except the power key on the device(ie, press and hold Vol+ key, still holding in 3 and 4)
3. Connect the tablet to your PC via USB cable
4. Repeatedly press the power button until a popup dialog shows on your computer screen
- Now follow the on-screen instructions

Windows 7 64-Bit users: it has been reported that you must use LiveSuite 1.0.7
Link removed.

Thanks to all who posted firmware dumps and tested in this thread

Discussion is also taking place in this thread:
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Hi, Tested and works well Thanks for all the effort!

Just some clarification on the process

Flashing instructions:
- Download LiveSuite, this is the flashing software for A10 devices
- Run LiveSuitePack.exe (a bunch of files will be extracted to the current folder, so best to create a new one)
- Now run livesuite.exe
- Choose "SelectImage"
- Choose the coby_kyros_4.0.3.img
- Now you need to put your device in upgrade mode, to do so:
1. power off the device
2. Press and hold any physical key except the power key on the device(ie, press and hold Vol+ key, Keep holding this button till completed with steps 3,4 and 5)
3. Connect the tablet to your PC via USB cable
4. Open Device Manager and take note of the new Unidentified Item that appears once you enter step 5, One you see this item appear you can release the buttons,
5. Repeatedly press the power button until a popup dialog or the new Item in Device manager appears, You will need to double click on this item and manually install the drivers located in the Live Suite extract folder under USB.
- Now follow the on-screen instructions
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Hi, Tested and works well Thanks for all the effort!

Just some clarification on the process

- Now follow the on-screen instructions

Works fine under 64 bit Win 7. Just set LiveSuit to run in compatibility mode - Windows 7 and as admin

Also if you get the 1.07 version of LS linked in the other thread it will automatically install the driver on 64 bit as well.

Actually here it is:

Download and install LiveSuite
Download LiveSuite v1.07
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Works fine under 64 bit Win 7. Just set LiveSuit to run in compatibility mode - Windows 7 and as admin

Also if you get the 1.07 version of LS linked in the other thread it will automatically install the driver on 64 bit as well.

Actually here it is:

Download and install LiveSuite
Download LiveSuite v1.07

Thanks a lot!!!

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Okay I give. How many times do you have to press the power button? I have tried 4 times. When I plug in the USB (holding down the Vol+) I get the Andriod USB screen, some times the Vol Icon and the last time the Settings screen came up telling me something quit responding. Tab is not bricked, than God. I know it's me but what I'm doing wrong is beyond me.
make sure you are holding down the vol + button before you plug in the usb cable
keep holding it down while inserting it,
then quickly keep pressing the power button while still holding the +vol button down (I dont know the exact number of times but it will eventually enter upgrade mode)
make sure you computer volume is turned up so you can hear the device connected sound
you can then let go of the volume button and stop pressing the power button

if you see the battery charge icon of the screen when you press the power button then redo the steps over again, it wont work
Okay I give. How many times do you have to press the power button? I have tried 4 times. When I plug in the USB (holding down the Vol+) I get the Andriod USB screen, some times the Vol Icon and the last time the Settings screen came up telling me something quit responding. Tab is not bricked, than God. I know it's me but what I'm doing wrong is beyond me.

Your tablet must be turned off first.

1. Turn your tablet off
2. Hold down Vol+ (keep it held down for 3 and 4)
3. Insert USB cable
4. Repeatedly press the power button (usually takes about 6 times for me)

WHAT YOU WILL DO: Download ROM File, Download LiveSuite program, Hold 2 buttons and Plug in the USB Cord. Thats all

--- @Steev
posted the custom ROM for MID9742 with Google Play Store pre-installed
[ROM] Custom ROM for Coby Kyros 9742 - rooted, deodexed, Google Play

@Steev posted the custom ROM for MID7042 with Google Play Store pre instaled
[ROM] Custom ROM for Coby Kyros 7042 - Rooted, Deodexed, Google Play


Use your PC to Download the ROM you plan to install. Unzip the file containing the ROM. A new Folder Appears. (ROM inside)

Click here to:
Download LiveSuite v1.07 (Save Yourself Many Hedaches, Download this version)
Thanks Patriotswrath
Unzip the LiveSuit folder --- Open Folder LiveSuitPack_v1.07 Folder --- Find and Click the file ( LiveSuitPack_v1.07.exe )

In the same folder:
*** Find the USB Driver Installers: drvinstaller_X86.exe OR drvinstaller_X64.exe OR drvinstaller_IA64.exe ( Try to Install All) Only one will likely install.

Restart your computer PC

Go to the LiveSuit Folder. Start LiveSuit (click on LiveSuit.exe file) A Window Pops-up ---
NOTE: If the little PopUp window disappears - click on the spinning Icon In System Tray Below (PopUp window re-appears)
--- A smaller window appers that reads "Welcome To Live Suit". Click "NO" to close the window. ---

Click the Square cube [ ] icon on the left side of LiveSuit window - Select the location of the New ROM ( .img) you downloaded earlier.

Power Down Your Tablet (
Your tablet must be Turned OFF during theLiveSuit process. )

During the LiveSuit process, you are listening to make sure your computer PC has Detected your tablet (a Little BUMP sound)
So turn the volume UP on your computer PC to make sure you hear the little BUMP sound.

NOTE:--- If tablet starts during the next step it won't work. You messed up. Just LongHold Power Button to Shut Down (Power Off) you Tablet

Your tablet must be Turned OFF
With Power OFF on Tablet: PressHold Volume+ Button ----- Plug USB into Tablet (Still holding Volume + button--- Tap Power Button a few times 5 to 10
(EXAMPLE: If you are Right handed: Hold Volume+ with Right Hand --- Plug USB in with Left Hand --- Tap the Power button 5 -10 times with Left Hand)

When you hear a little Bump sound on you PC --- Release both Buttons Immediately!

The little BUMP sound means SUCCESS!!! --- The Flashing process will start.

A PopUp Window Appears -- Choose Format "YES" Are you sure: "YES" Format

The flashing process starts. Takes about 3 minutes to complete ... Leave the USB plugged in

Your Tablet will Restart (Leave USB plugged In. ---- Takes 5 -10 mi
nutes to complete --- DeskTop appears on your Tablet --- (FINISHED !!!)

Unplug USB

Enter Gmail info. Log-in Enjoy -- Thanks Steev.

SITE ETIQUETTE: If Someone Provides Assistance To You --- Hit The Little "Thank You" Button At The Bottom Of The Post

NOTE: @Jscuda70 was havinging problems with LiveSuit until he

"Ok got it fixed, I had to uninstall and reinstall all the (LiveSuit) drivers and reboot reboot pc thank you for your help.

[ROM] Custom ROM for Coby Kyros 9742 - rooted, deodexed, Google Play

[ROM] Custom ROM for Coby Kyros 7042 - Rooted, Deodexed, Google Play
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Thank YOu
Heads up, Problem Downloading From Google Docs.
I could not download the ROM from GoogleDocs on my W7 64bit machine.
The same thing happened yesterday when I tried to download the the orginal rooted ROM.
I first thought it was just me, then I googled the problem today and discovered lots of people with this problem. HERE
I had to use an XP machine to download from GoogleDocs.
You may consider also posting the ROMs on another site as a mirror.

Thanks Again.
Okay, the Village Idiot will be played by me today. When you said turn the tablet OFF you meant REALLY OFF not Pseudo OFF. Also, I was using Steev's link to LiveSuit at work (Win XP) and home and finally realized that I did not have Ver 1.07 on my W7 -64 home machine. Finally put it all together and after a couple of " I think I pooped myself cause I bricked it" moments, Wallah It's ALIVE.

Thanks ever so much everyone.
yeah, this modified version takes a lot longer to boot the first time then the stock firmware
thought it was bricked too :p
Okay I give. How many times do you have to press the power button? I have tried 4 times. When I plug in the USB (holding down the Vol+) I get the Andriod USB screen, some times the Vol Icon and the last time the Settings screen came up telling me something quit responding. Tab is not bricked, than God. I know it's me but what I'm doing wrong is beyond me.

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