rookie rooted questions


Jan 14, 2011
Hi to all.
It's my first post and I want to thanks all the help I find here ...

I've rooted my nook and have some questions:
- superuser.apk - what is for? when I open it, my app list and log is empty ...
- softkeys - when I tap arrow, search it says "unable to execute as root"
- ezPdf - how can I set as my default pdf-reader?

I've not completed the ADB access (need it I?) so perhaps the first two questions are due to this...

thanks in avance
By default Android makes everyone just a user, so Superuser is an app that makes you a temporary administrator over Android. It holds a list of app that need SU permission to run. Some apps like tools and such (SetSPU, Clear cache, Busybox, etc.) can and do make changes to the Android system so SU is just a administrative permission tool.

Seem your Softkeys is not working properly. I’d uninstall and reinstall it: dl app here Softkeys_3.06.apk
or clear cache for the app: nook color tools app > manage applications > Softkeys > clear cache.

About setting an app as default: use any file explorer such as ASTO or ES file explorer and make your way to where you are keeping the pdf file or what ever file you want to make default to an app. Press the file and you should get an list of available app which can open that particular file. Check the small box “use this app as default”, then press the app you would like to open file will. From then on app file types with that extension, will open with the app you picked. To remove the default, go to nook color tools app > manage applications > “app in question” > clear default


rico2001, thanks a lot ...
I've done the default process with your instructions.
I'm going to make work softkeys ...
