root gentouch 74 same as 78?


Dec 22, 2010
Just got the gentouch74 as gift. Can I follow the same procedures for the 78 to root it or does anyone know if the steps are different for the 74? Seems from reading the forums, I got an "outdated" tablet, but at least it was free and I can learn/experiment on it.
I dont know what I'm doing wrong, but I cant get the darn thing to root. The 74 doesnt have a way to connect directly via USB like the 78. I tried the directions, but all i get in the cmd window is a list of ADB commands. Ive installed the sdk, dl'd the su (ver tried droid explorer (grasping at straws since I cant hook up to computer). cant seem to get anywhere. It has to be something simple I have overlooked. can anyone help? I've tried going through it multiple times.