Rooted 1.2 Stock ROM - now reading dock soft button no longer works


Mar 16, 2011
Anyone else notice this or is it just something with my NC? I recently moved from rooted stock 1.1 (autonooter) to manual nooter 1.2 stock. Everything seems fine (been running like this for few weeks now), but I noticed that the 'now reading' soft button on the B&N dock at bottom of NC no longer functions.

This is the button you select to bring up the book you are now reading and takes you to the correct page you were on last. I touch the button and nothing happens. I have to go into my library and launch the book from there.

Is this just an issue with manual nooter 1.2 or am I the only one with this issue? It isn't that much of a problem, but I did notice that when going through the library it doesn't always put me on the page I was on last, which is a bit frustrating.
Thanks Spider... I figured this was the case, but thought I would confirm.
If you click on the "Nook Home" app button, in the app drawer, it will bring up the stock Nook interface and the button will work from there. I added "Nook Home" to my dock for easy access.