Rooted Nook Color - Force Close issues


Oct 13, 2011
Hey everyone. I have a Nook Color with CM7 loaded. I recently have started using Microsoft One Note. Ultimately I want to use it on my Sky Drive so I can sync with my home PC as well.

My Problem is this: Every time I try to open One Note, it will get to the point where it says "Loading Notebooks" (after having me login to my sky drive account) But then it will give me the error: "The application OneNote (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again."

I then have to choose force close or report. If I try it again it just does the same thing. Does ANYBODY know what is causing this? Or, how to make OneNote play nice? Thanks!

P.S. My Nook isn't running CM7 on an SD card anymore, I loaded the ROM directly to the Nook.
Sounds like it is an app issue. What version of CM7 are you running?

Try uninstalling the app and then reinstalling it. If you are still having issues report them to Microsoft so they can fix the app.
I've re-installed the app a couple times now. As for the version, It's 7.1.0, the stable release if I recall correctly.
Most likely an app issue then. You can also go into Settings>Applications (or Titanium Backup) and try clearing the data/cache of the app and see if that helps.