Rooted Nook Color your device is not compatible with this item


Mar 19, 2012
Rooted Nook Color 1.4.2 with CM7 on sd card..
However a large portion of the apps (Facebook, Wells Fargo, Weather etc) are not available in the Market (now Google Play). I get a "your device is not compatible with this item message". I see lots of comments on forums regarding the same issue but they are mostly older (from the end of last year). Nonetheless, I've tried some of the suggestions (1. changing screen density, 2. reverting to older market and freezing updates, 3. clearing market data and cache) but nothing seems to work. Has anyone else seen the same thing with these newer versions of software?
It is a Google issue with their store. You will just have to fiddle with things until the Market, er uh Play store decides it wants to work correctly. The LCD Density and clearing the cache are the two most common fixes. If those haven't worked you may have to sign out of your account on the tablet and sign in on the pc and then try and get an app, change the settings via the website for the store on the pc or any of several other solutions.

Alternatively you can also use other markets (Amazon and Slideme to name two) to get the apps you need instead of going to Google Play store. Keep working the Google end though because that is where the issue is, not anything in CM7 itself.

Edit: Oh yeah, you might need to clear the Google frame work in addition to the market data. You can find and clear frame work the same way you do for market in the apps settings.
Thanks for the tips. I was having issues installing apps from the Amazon app store, and started messing with some settings... which reset me to factory. Will re-root today and try again. I'll also try to the tip about clearing the Google frame work. Thanks!