rooting SVP AllWinner A13 tablet


Jul 19, 2013
Hello everyone!..
I've been trying to root my SVP tablet, which has an AllWinner A13 cpu. I'm using superOneClick. The tablet shows up in the "Device Manager" so driver is installed ok, I went through the process, and it was very straight forward; however, when I downloaded an app called "rootChecker" and it shows up as not rooted. Also, I tried to login as root from "terminal Emulator" and when type "su" at prompt I get "permission denied" and it should ask me whether I want to allow or not.... Also, "superuser" app does not have any apps added. By the way SuperOneClick finish with "Device has been rooted" message... what should I do next?

Thanks for the help
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Hi miatech, congratulations on your new AllWinner A13 based tablet and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you as a member of Android Tablets. I'm moving your thread to the Allwinner A13 Based forum for you, where more people with that tablet are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!