Rotation Lock Issues?


Apr 27, 2011
Hey everyone

I'm having issues with my Rotation Lock Switch. Not a huge issue yet, but it's turning into a big one that I'll probably have to return the unit for at some inopportune time.

Basically the switch is loose. It clicks to each location fine, but it wiggles in the "off" position, and sometimes I'll see "Rotation Lock On" come on the screen even when I'm not even touching the switch. Basically, if I hold it in Portrait Mode and fiddle with the switch while in "Off" position, the screen will say "Rotation Lock On" followed by "Rotation Lock Off" immediately afterward. I am not passing the "click" part of the switch, but just jiggling it as it is loose in the off position.

I bet it's super easy to fix, if the unit were opened by the proper people.

The switch isn't causing any issues with usage. I think the switching between Off/On/Off happens so quickly that it resets to the proper value even when it's saying "On" on the screen.

Hope that all makes sense.

Anyone else with that switch causing concern? I wonder if Best Buy would fix it, or if I'd have to actually send it via postal mail to Acer and wait several weeks for turnaround? Any thoughts?

Mine is not loose, doesn't wiggle, never pops up the lock message until I snap it from on position to the other.

I doubt this is easy to fix, it could be a physical detent in the switch itself is worn, or broken, and if so the switch on the main board will have to be desoldered and replaced.

Don't know what to advise, other than tape.
It seems as though the build quality of individual Acer units has a wide range... My unit hasn't had any issues that I've seen complained about thankfully, and for now this one is pretty minor. I guess if it becomes a problem then I've always got the warranty, but I'd hate to ship it out and have it sent back with more issues, due to shipping or replacement with another unit.

Actually, the tape idea really does appeal to me more than sending it back.

If only I could develop software, I'd just root and write something to lock it down, or make a software toggle for it and disable the switch completely.