[Rumor] HP May Re-Continue The TouchPad - Current Orders Being Cancelled


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

Some of our tipsters over at HPTouchpadForums.net may have just broken an intriguing "good news, bad news" story. According to a couple of sources, HP is cancelling the current HP TouchPad orders that haven't shipped yet. That's the bad news. The good news is that the reason they are cancelling it is because they are going to retract their initial discontinuation of the product line, and re-continue it (plus they are completely out of stock as well).

In some ways this isn't that great, because the opportunity to get a decent tablet for the low-low price of $99 dollars is slipping away; however, it is not too bad. Now, after seeing the relative success of the product with folks that either want a really cheap tablet, or folks that want to put Android on it, HP wants to revive it from the dead. Who knows... they may consider working out a licensing deal to get Android on it from Google. Of course, that is pure speculation at this point. Share your thoughts in the forums!

Don't forget to come to HPTouchPadForums.net for all your HP TouchPad news and information!

Source: HPTouchpadforums.net, (1) & (2)
This is just going to make me even more mad at HP. I'm already mad about my cancelled order that was made well into the claimed availability period. Now this is just foolishness. If Steve Jobs wasn't stepping down I wonder if this change of heart would've happened. So now it's all some Jedi mind trick? HP wanted to saturate the market by any means neccessary? The world falls in love with WebOS after all or they put Android on it to? I'm gonna be Ben Kenobi and say "This is not the company you're looking for."

I have my Coby MID7022 now and I love it. HP can kiss my touchpad.
Hmmmmm imagine that

Sell the product for crack prices and create a demand,

All the sudden, oh well we're not going to stop making them and continue pricing.

I saw this coming a mile away.

What other better way to get people interested in your product?
It also makes a large (500,000?) market for apps and makes developers look towards producing for it. Once Andriod works on it, IF they keep the pricing good and not at iPad prices, they will suck up a lot of pad users.
Be interesting is Google now start advertising their upcoming pad more...
Yep, with all of the hipe and sales lines at the many retailers, they could have read all of the blogs going around and realized that they lucked into a great sales fluke. They know Android works on their tablet and could start selling them a a mid price, like around $300 range and I think they would still sell. They do have a great IPS screen and should make a good Android Tablet. But they won't sell as fast as they had at $100 and $150. Good luck HP.
I just figure that if they are going to sell off the computer division, they need the "products", all of them.