[Rumor] Motorola Working on Super-HiRes Android 4.0 Tablet With Kal-El


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Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

There is a mildly intriguing rumor floating around the "interwebs" today regarding a new Motorola Tablet. Apparently, Motorola, undaunted by their mediocre success with the Xoom, is designing a new Android Tablet. This new tablet is even higher end than the last one, and will be sporting a ridiculously HiRes Screen (2048×1536), Ice Cream Sandwich, and Nvidia's Quad-Core processor, Kal-El. From what the "intel" suggests, Moto has actually been working on this tablet for some time already, and it is currently even in the testing phases. In fact, it is even possible we will see it later this year.

Keep in mind this story is a bit dubious, but I would be remiss to not at least share it with you, and let you decide if it is bogus or not. What do you guys think? Possibly for real, or just vaporware?

Source: Droid-Life
This rumor certainly has my interest piqued. If true Motorola deserves some huge props from us Android fans for taking the risk. I'm not crazy about the 10 inch screens though. I want something I can carry in my shirt pocket, but with all the bells and whistles of the big boys, without the phone.
I'd buy this in a heartbeat. Don't believe we'll see it before the holiday season, but I do believe this will be an actual tablet.
This sounds similar to the rumors about at least one of the tablets Amazon is reported to be readying for a fall release.

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