[Rumor] Pics of the Google Nexus 10 Tablet User Manual Leaked


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Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

We are calling this one a rumor, but it certainly looks legit. Supposedly some pics of the soon-to-be-released Samsung/Google Nexus 10 Tablet manual have just been released. While a manual is hardly as exciting as pics of the actual device, at least they potentially confirm the existence of the device and seemingly validate all the previous rumors. Of course, it could be fake, but creating a whole user-manual seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through just to pull off an internet hoax.


Ultimately, we only have to wait until Monday to find out for sure. Although these pics of the manual don't confirm this, supposedly the display for this next Nexus tablet device will surpass the quality of the Retina display in the 3rd Gen iPad. If true, it would be another feature coupe to add to the growing list in Android's favor.

Source: NexusTablets.net via CNET