[Rumor] Quad-core Google Nexus Tablet for $199 to be made by Asus?


Staff member
Mar 16, 2011


The latest rumors on the internet suggests Google plans to release a 7-inch $199 Nexus tablet. This rumor comes from two different industry sources who AndroidAndMe talked to at Mobile World Congress. As they have provided reliable information in the past, AndroidAndMe believes the sources are trustworthy. However, the sources rightfully want to remain anonymous.

According to the source, the tablet will be manufactured by ASUS and feature a 7-inch display along with the latest Google Android operating system (Ice Cream Sandwich). Inside, the rumored device features NVIDIA’s quad-core Tegra 3 processor.

Selling a full-featured Android tablet with all of Google’s mobile services and a quad-core Tegra 3 processor for only $199 would definitely bring some sales for Google and ASUS. It wouldn’t surprise us if there a 10 inch model was released and priced at $299 at the minimum. Sounds good don't it? Would you get one? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Source: Transformer Forumshttp://www.transformerforums.com/index.php via AndroidandMe
Interesting, especially since Asus recently announced a 7" Tegra 3 device that was supposed to be priced at $250. I have to wonder how feature rich a tablet can be at a $200 price point. Although Amazon did a commendable job with the Kindle Fire, they are apparently losing a dollar or two for every unit they sell, and the Fire didn't include a number of features usually expected as standard fare for tablets such as cameras and GPS.
I haven't noticed any tendency for Google to undercut their own customers on price on their previous Nexus devices. The Nexus design seems to function more as a reference design.
I would be ecstatic if that would be true. Either for this nexus tablet or for the upcoming Asus
MeMo 370T
which is priced $50 more. Since this product has no estimated release date. It could be long after Memo is debut which leads me to believe that it could hit the $200 price range if it the hardware is a little outdated; especially since there is a fierce battle among competitors to outdo each other in specs and features. Another consideration is to sway people from purchasing the upcoming iPad3 which is rumored to have a quad core and a better display. If the google tablet is anything like the MeMo these specs are good but by the time it hits the market there will be better devices.
Yes, I would buy one or two in a heart beat! Best of all worlds with a Google tablet and I really like the 7" format a lot more than the 10", easier to hold if you have small hands or arthritis.
I can believe the companies are teaming up on a potential tablet but not on the price. As mentioned Google tends towards reference devices more than mass consumer devices and I don't see them putting out an underwhelming product which even has the possibility of being mistaken as a reference device. That would do nothing but make Android tablets and Google look bad. Amazon might be able to get away with the Fire based on trying to build a half step up from a Kindle reader device and sell books and Amazon apps but Google will never live it down if they put their name on a tablet that will absolutely be compared with the latest iPad and it is a "feature reduced low cost tablet."

Rumors are fun and all but you have to put a reasonable expectation on them. So (a) it would be great to see this 7" quad core tablet that wasn't feature reduced, (b) it would be great to see a pure Google branded Nexus ICS device and (c) it would be great to see a $200 price. However, I think that you can only pick any two of those things.