Run apps from SD card??


Oct 10, 2013
Hi all,

Still liking this HD7 but wonder if there is any way to run apps from the SD card. I have moved a bunch of games and shopping list to the SDcard and other than "Move to Tablet" I cannot see any way to run them.


Thoughts and suggestions?

I'm brand new at this too so I don't really know what I'm talking about, but in settings / storage, I see a option to write to the internal storage or the SD card. I think maybe if you choose SD card, the next app you install might install to and run from the SD card. I really should give it a try to find out. Or you can and let me know. :)
What ever can be moved, (only selected apps), will in fact run from the SD card. In many cases the entire app won't move, even the ones that can be moved.
Not true. Newer Android versions have brought back the ability to move selected apps to the SD card. No additional app is required. It will appear as a part of the options in the app in app manager. If it isn't an option it wasn't designed to be moved.