Running Apps in the Background


Jan 24, 2014
There are 22 apps "running in the background" when I start my tablet (Next Issue & others) that are pre loaded apps and some that I will never use. Uninstalling is effectively moot as the app reinstalls on the next session, Force Stopping scares me. The apps are using nearly 1/2 of my cache.
Is there a free app that can manage these apps, is there a way to stop unnecessary apps until I need them? My tech jargon is noobish so please type in layman's term.
There is a saying regarding Linux: free memory is wasted memory. This applies to Android as well. While there are task management apps available on Google Play, using them is not a good idea as they will impact both speed and battery life. How? It takes longer to open the app and uses more CPU cycles to do so.

Android has excellent memory management built-in, and will free memory as necessary, so I would not worry about it at all.

If you are still concerned about the amount of memory being used by these apps, then your only real alternative is to root the tablet and remove the apps from /system/app.
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