Samsung Galaxy S5 For An Online Meeting


Senior Member
May 25, 2016
I need your thoughts about a web or video conferencing app. I have a Samsung Galaxy S5 phone. Do you know any user friendly app and easy to use with my smartphone? I'll be using it with our online business meetings. I want to learn more about its requirements and other supported devices.
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I agree with you with regard to skype - i'm not so sure with the others. The thing with those is that you cannot share screen. I tried it with skype. (see the link) I uploaded my presentation to my phone. Then, I tried to share screen, but it is not available when you are using a mobile. I was able to check on omnijoin, though and I can join the meeting by downloading their app. Now, I just need to see how user friendly it is and how cost-effective :) I am still looking out for other options, though.