Samsung galaxy tab 2 10.1 vs iPad 2 OPINIONS NEEDED!


Apr 17, 2012
Hey guys, im unsure whether to go for the 10 inch galaxy tab 2 when it comes out in the UK or get an iPad 2...

Im after a tablet for mainly watching films on and browsing the net when travelling. wifi is all i need as i can tether to my 3g phone. I'v been waiting for a little while for the galaxy tab 2 to be released in the UK, the 7 inch was released yesterday for £199 (about $319) which is annoyingly $70 more than what it costs in the US. The 10 inch version is going on sale in the US tomorrow for $399 (£250) but i imagine its going to be over $500 when it hits UK shores.

This has really put me off buying one as they are supposed to be affordable tablets but for some reason their rediculous pricing will put the 10 inch version in competition with the iPad 2. Now my sister works for apple so i can get 20% off any apple stuff so an ipad 2 16gb is in my budget, how do you think the 2 tablets compare?

What attracted me to the galaxy tab 2 in the first place was the micro SD slot which would make it so much easier to transfer films to the tablet from my laptop without having to mess about with apples restrictive video formats. The ipad i would potentially get would be the entry level 16gb version which means im likely to run out of space fairly quickly if i start uploading seasons and multiple films onto it. Being an android tablet the sammy has the advantage of flash player for better web browsing, had a go on an ipad before and to be honest after having an iphone for a long time i find the IOS software boring now.

Both tablets have VGA front facing cameras and fairly crappy rear cameras so pretty even there, the sammy has a few tricks up its sleeve with the IR blaster etc but to be honest this is probably stuff that wont really be used. If the iPad 2 had an SD card slot and flash then it would definitly win it for me but as it is im on the fence.. what would you guys go for?
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Just realised as this is an android forum you guys will probably be heavily biased towards the samsung!
I am going to be straight with you.

This is really about what type of person you are. Do you like to tinker/customize your computer? If so, go with Android. If not, go with the iPad.

Another thing - is the first thing you plan to do with the iPad to Jailbreak it? If so, get Android. Android is basically already jailbroken, and then for even more freedom you can root it if you want.

I have an Android Tablet (ASUS TF101 with keyboard dock) and I love it. My wife has an iPad and she loves it.

I HATE using her iPad because it is so rigid/fixed and not flexible. And she is the same with using my TF101.

iOS is smooth, refined and just about flawless. Apps never tell you they crash, they just stop (and sometimes they restart on their own). Apple makes the hardware and software, and there are only 2 resolutions that apps need to run at (Original and the new Retina iPad). You MUST use iTunes (WiFi Syncing) to get media on and off of it. Also, there is no expand ability on storage. Apps hold the files (a word document is stored within QuickOffice or Documents To Go. To transfer from one app to the other you need to email them to yourself and open it with the other app). No file manager (unless you jailbreak).

Android 4.0 is just as smooth, but not quite as refined. Apps can suffer from compatibility issues because one company makes the hardware and google makes the software. Apps will let you know when they crash, and you can get apps from many different sources. Apps are designed to run at many different resolutions (phone and tablets). You never need to use a program to sync. I can play .mkv files form a USB drive or a microSD card without having to use a computer to copy them or transcode them for my device. Android can use file managers, and file like office files are not limited to one app. The same file can be opened in multiple apps.

With that being said, I am partial to the ASUS tablets because of the keyboard dock. I know the Samsung ones have a keyboard but it is a fixed angle and does not have any extra battery life. ASUS are basically a netbook and a tablet in one. It is still not a real computer despite looking like one, but it can do 95% of what I use a real computer for and I can use it for 15-16 hours straight before I need to find a charger (newer models have more battery life too).

Samsung are great tablets and easier to hack if you are into rooting.

Well, that is my 2 cents on the topic.

Oh, and I have an iPhone 4 for my phone, so I am very familiar with iOS. IMO, iOS is great for a phone, but too restrictive for a tablet.
Thanks for the info,to be honest im not looking to root or jailbreak my tablet. I jailbroke my iphone and had endless problems with things crashing and freezing so dont really want to be messing with anything when i get a tablet. Think i might just wait till the samsung comes out and give it a good bit of testing and see what the price is like
Thanks for the info,to be honest im not looking to root or jailbreak my tablet. I jailbroke my iphone and had endless problems with things crashing and freezing so dont really want to be messing with anything when i get a tablet. Think i might just wait till the samsung comes out and give it a good bit of testing and see what the price is like

Good call.

Remember, Android (stock) is about equal to the capabilites of Jailbroken iOS.
The asus tf300 would also be an option if it wasnt so expensive over here, in the US it sells for $400 here it sells for £400 ($650)!!!! What the hell is up with prices in the UK being so steep?
I just got back from my sister's house and compared my galaxy 7.7 to my nephew's ipad 2. And the only thing I can say is, it doesn't matter what you get, it all does the same thing.

It's a personal choice you have to make. Go to bestbuy and play with the tabs and see which one you like better. That said, my 7.7 screen murders both the ipad 2 and ipad 3.

However, honeycomb is a bit laggy. Waiting on ICS.

edit: I see you are from the UK so there is no bestbuy for you. lol