Samsung/Xoom display screens.


Mar 4, 2011
Hi all. My first post here and i'm looking for some advice as i'd like to be the proud owner of a tablet by the end of Spring, if possible.

The Xoom was my first choice when I heard it was soon to be released earlier this year as the Samsung Galaxy tab was too small at 7". When the Xoom was at my local Best buy on display I gave it a whirl and although limited with what you could do mainly because of the way it was set up I put it at the top of my shortlist.
The Samsung Galaxy tab was close by so I gave that a look-see and noticed that the screen display looked so much better than the Xoom. From what I understood (not checked the specs lately) the Xoom resolution is supposed to be a great deal better than the Galaxy, perhaps the best display resolution on the tablet market at the moment?
Anyway, can someone correct me if i'm wrong and maybe explain why the Galaxy display screen looks so much better? With the recent announcement of the Samsung Galaxy 10.1 i'm holding back.
On that topic has theer been any news on the price and release date of the Sammy 10.1? I read on one site this morning that with the iPad2 Samsung are reviewing not just the specs but the pricing of their 10.1.

Any thoughts?

I was dead set on buying a Xoom, but I read AnandTechs preview, first thing I noticed is how bad the display looks, specially compared to the iPad and the Tab. I know what you're talking about. I can't barely notice any difference as far as brilliance (contrast, color reprodution at sharp viewing angles), but that is very noticeable on the Xoom.


I have an iPad already, but I'm going to buy another tablet for me, wife and kids use it too much. I'm waiting for the HP TouchPad and the Samsung, but I'm not holding my breath. I also love the 7"/9" format, so will see what happens.

If the Samsung Tab had the Honeycomb, I would buy it today.
Cheers for that.
Reading that i'm quite disapointed with the Xoom.
Seeing how great the Galaxy Tab looks i'm just getting more impatient for their 1.1 model!
I am also disappointed in the lesser screen the Xoom reportedly has. I know the Sammy Gtab has a really beautiful screen. If you are going to roll out a top level product, make sure the screen is top level itself.