Save the battery


Sep 5, 2010
Hello all,

I hope I am not posting in the wrong section and my question is not asked before. I have search the forum and can't find one...

I just have my IDEOS S7 105, firmware Android 2.2.2
It seems the battery for this device is very easy to drop out.
So far, what I have done for my device is:
I rooted the device,
Use SetCPU to down the speed to 768 (if I am not mistaken)
Use 2x Battery saver PRO to set some setting that can help increase battery life.
Use Advanced Task Manger PRO to kill apps
Use Battery Indicator PRO to watch the battery.

looks like it can help to increase my battery life. It can standby for 24 hours with only drop 1 bar. but when I started to browse and play same light game and do some writing and a little bit whatsapp... the battery drop very quick. it tooks less than 60 minutes to drop less than 50%.

What I want to ask is, is there any better way to increase battery performance or battery life?... what application is the best for increase battery life? for standby and when in use.
Is that possible to change the battery for IDEOS S7 105 ??

Turn down the brightness of your screen as much as you can.
i got some device and some problem.

I dont thing you can help your battery life even more as you did already.

Dont forget screen take from your battery more than 80% ! so low brightness is biggest save battery ever.