Says charging but its not....


Jun 19, 2013
So my cousin gave me an acer a500 I bought a charger for it and the tablet was dead when I got it....I plugged it in it opened had to do a hard reset but then I was in the home screen but it kept shutting off because it had no charge but said it was charging...when I plug it in the power button stays orange then blinks like a whiteish orange color and won't charge please help
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Try plugging it into a running PC for >5 hours to see if that makes a difference. There could be several things going on but check it that way first.
Unfortunately, the Acer a500 does not charge over USB. Leeshor is on the right track though, and I suggest trying a diiferent AC charger. If the problem continues regardless of the charger, the battery is likely worn out. The battery is fairly easy to replace, provided you can find one at a good price. Check out this post for a description of the power led signals:
Ask your cousin to give you the EOM charger that came with the a500. Most 3rd party chargers don't work on the a500. As Mrhelper says it will not charge via the USB. The battery could be fine but you will need to charge it fully before using it. Also, if you are able to get it working, do not run the the a500 with anything less than 15% power -you could brick the tablet if it performs an update.
