Screenshot Disappeared After Software Update


Nov 9, 2013
Hi everyone

I have only had a tablet a few months and was just getting the hang of things when there was a software update last week that moved everything around AND now I have come to use my screen shot and it has gone!!:eek:

I used to have in the bottom left corner 4 functions - page back, home, applications and screenshot but now I only have the first three spread across the bottom of the page and I cannot find the screenshot function anywhere. Have Samsung removed it for some reason?

I found it was so useful because if I was travelling to an unknown street say in Paris, I could take a screen shot of the area from Google maps and then look at it when I got to the district in Paris (but I had no internet connection, being in the car). Now I have found a "work on this map offline" within Google maps, I used that to give me the detailed map offline but I cannot see where it has "cached" it.

Please help!

You'll have gathered I am not techy so please try and keep the answers simple:)

Many thanks for reading this.

Hi Norm, congratulations on your Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets.

To fix the screen shot problem, try this: Go into display: quick launch: set to screen shot.

If that doesn't work, you should be able to take a screenshot by just pressing the power & vol down keys together.

Enjoy the forum!
Quick lauch is gone on 4.2.2. Instead you need to swipe the side of your hand sideways over the screen. Be sure to swipe over the front facing camera

There is also a method of using power key and volume that you can Google.

The question beg to be asked... Why not use the Gps to navigate?