Scrolling within a Frame


Mar 9, 2012
I have an NATPC M009S Tablet.

I want to be able to scroll a frame within a frameset on my tablet. With Firefox (v 15.0.1) it works absolutely fine. With Opera Mini (v 7.5) it scrolls the whole frameset. With the browser (v 2.3.4)) and with Dolphin Mini (v 2.3) it does not scroll.

If I load the frame as a complete web page then I can scroll with all the browsers (as you would expect).

Can anyone please clarify why this is the case? I know that browser behavious will differ but this seems to me to be a fundamental question.

If you need a demonstration then visit and try to scroll the right hand frame. To load the right hand frame on its own then
I think I see a problem. Opera Mini and Dolphin Mini are both phone versions that happen to run on a tablet. Try Dolphin Browser and make certain the user agent is set to desktop.

Wondering - if Firefox works why not just use that?
Thanks leeshor. Yes, true I could just use Firefox (though I seem to recall that there was something that Firefox wouldn't handle from my earlier testing). I'm just trying to find solutions for any user and it seems to me that most people use Dolphin.

Now, my tablet informs me that I have Dolphin Mini browser (v2.3). Excuse my ignorance with tablets but how, please, do you set this browser to set the user agent to desktop?
You need to uninstall Dolphin Mini and get Dolphin Browser, (that's the tablet version). You may also want to uninstall Opera Mini and get Opera Mobile. Same thing. You aren't likely to get a satisfactory experience on a tablet using apps designed for a phone, even if they seem to run OK.
Thanks leeshor. I hadn't appreciated the difference being a novice with tablets. I've installed Opera Mobile...fine. However, Dolphin Pad (which I understand is the recently released Dolphin Browser for tablets) states that my tablet (NATPC M009S) is not compatible.
Sorry Leeshor, I had not appreciated the difference. When I googled Dolphin browser it appeared that Dolphin Pad was the correct app for the tablet.

Now, I've been to the web site and tried to download Dolphin for tablets. It takes me through to a page stating "Landing_Website_tablet" which, when I select, then tells me that I can download the app for Ipad. So am confused as I selected the Tablet download and not the Ipad download.

I then tried but when I get through to the "Dolphin page" it tells me that Dolphin is already installed. But it isn't (checked in manage applications). I've even deleted Dolphin from my Android phone just in case it is picking up this information.

So, struggling to know how to install Dolphin.
Sorry Leeshor, I had not appreciated the difference. When I googled Dolphin browser it appeared that Dolphin Pad was the correct app for the tablet.

Now, I've been to the web site and tried to download Dolphin for tablets. It takes me through to a page stating "Landing_Website_tablet" which, when I select, then tells me that I can download the app for Ipad. So am confused as I selected the Tablet download and not the Ipad download.

I then tried but when I get through to the "Dolphin page" it tells me that Dolphin is already installed. But it isn't (checked in manage applications). I've even deleted Dolphin from my Android phone just in case it is picking up this information.

So, struggling to know how to install Dolphin.

My previous post had a link to the Dolphin Browser on the Play Store. That's the one you're looking for.
Okay - managed to install Dolphin Browser. I connected my Tablet and Android phone to the Internet and eventually managed to get the Tablet to install Dolphin even though it still said that it was already installed. However, although Dolphin solves the initial problem, I have found Opera Mobile to be better. Opera Mobile also handles viewing embedded pdf files better. So problem solved though not as neat as I would like. Have done some experiments at writing php and javascript to detect tablet and this wroks though need to refine to pick up parameters passed with the URL.