SD Card Storage Problems


Dec 26, 2013
Well. I've screwed up my Huawei again.

Everything seemed like it was sorted out except that when I was installing any new apps,.... after it got done, a little notice box kept coming up saying I only had 1.88g left.
Like 1.88gigs is a miniscule amount.

Well the system reports the internal 16g had 5+g open, the sd 32g had 27?gig open and my 128g usb had 1.88g.
I don't understand why it seems to be thinking it's putting installs on the usb because it's set for the 32g sdcard to be the primary storage.

So I went through my apps and started using the ICS settings to move apps to the sd.
I must have moved some that don't like the sd. One that doesn't (I know now) is google play services.
I went round and round trying to fix that and finally did by restoring a backup from 3-4 weeks ago but it didn't fix everything.
The services worked again along with the play store....... well the play store works when I DON'T have the usb drive mounted.
When it's mounted the play store app opens but won't connect.
Oh. And it also restarts over and over.
When the usb's mounted it restart after about 30 seconds. When it's not it restarts after about 2-2.5 minutes.

I can't seem to find any similar problem on the web.

One other thing I was wondering which I'm starting to test now.
I've had it on constantly for at least a day or two (with the PS plugged in).
I notice it's quite warm. Could this be happening from it being too warm?

Droid-Xer? Anyone?
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Being hot may be a part of the problem but you have multiple things going on that may or may not be related. First thing is go to settings - app manager and scroll to all. Find both the Google Store and Google Framework apps and clear the cache, force stop and restart. For the USB issue you may have a file structure corruption. Use a PC to do a test of the USB device.
Ok. Maybe someone can explain this to me 'The Android Moron'.

I got irritated with trying to fix it so I decided I was going to try to use the automatic recovery.
I grabbed the firmware from Huawei's website on my PC and took out my SD card.
I did not see a 'dload' folder so I put it in the 'Download' folder. Put the card back in the tablet and tried to start the recovery.
I had the unlmt.cfg in there too but it did not automatically start so I tried again while keeping the volume pressed and I got it started.
But after about 3-5 seconds it came up with the FAIL message.
So I figure that maybe it DOES need to be 'dload' so when it reboots I make a 'dload' folder and copy those files in there before it reboots again.
Which while I'm doing I also notice that under 'mnt' the files are in the 'sdcard' folder and not the 'sdcard2' folder which is where it seemed like it was mounted before.
I guess when I switched primary storage to the sdcard it made the card mount under sd instead of sd2?
So I had pulled the card out and was going to investigate that and before I did I decided to put it back in.
When it rebooted this time while I was getting the file manager going I noticed it was starting to connect and download updates which it was doing but this time it was successful.
So I kept watching it and it seems to be all corrected now.
It's not rebooting by itself. It connects everytime. Installs are all successful.

What the hell happened?
Did the few seconds that recovery mode was active maybe fix some kind of file system problem?
Is the Android system alive and had seen that I was going to redo the system and got scared so it started behaving? (Joke of course)

I don't get it.
Can anyone give me some kind of theory as to what might have happened?
I'm actually afraid to reboot it again for fear of it being some sort of fluke.
Twenty fours hours and nobody has any possible theory they could postulate?