Security flaw

Snake eater

Apr 10, 2011
Security flaw that affect all android device does anyone know if google or huawei will be putting out a patch?

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum
Not sure which of many security flaws you mean but I can guarantee you Huawei isn't interested, and Google most likely can't do anything about it. Of course without knowing what security issue you are concerned about it is hard to be specific. A lot of issues involve, say, flash or some other specific application and can be addressed by the company themselves.
He's probably talking about that whole thing where if you're connected to an unknown/malicious Wifi network, somebody can sniff the AuthToken from your packets.
Using a Chinese made product that probably comes with back doors built in by PLA and your worried about security ? thats funny.....
Using a Chinese made product that probably comes with back doors built in by PLA and your worried about security ? thats funny.....

Hey not a problem unless you work for the Dalai Lama, or practice Falun Gong (do both, and I guess you're dead meat...) ;)
Everything thing is made in China now days

Sent from my DROIDX using Android Tablet Forum
At first, I thought it might be flaws related to hardware or OS config. But what I read is that security flaws lie in a china tab maker. Ha, you guys pick up a good