Sending email from NC


Dec 24, 2010
I have my NC rooted, and have it linked to a gmail account, and have the email app on the extras page linked to a hotmail account. I can send email from either app, but neither has a list of contacts. With numerous addresses, it makes it difficult not being able to access a contacts list.
This is a really good question, which is fancy-talk for "I have no frikkin idea." :confused:

To make matters worse, I've set up the stock NC contact list--and it works--but when you use it, it DOES NOTHING!!! :mad: There are all my contact names, and when I touch one all that happens is that it expands to show their email address. If I touch the email...nothing...nada...zilch. Doesn't launch into an email program like you'd hope.

Also noticed that contacts do not fill in when using gmail. :( I have played around a bit with the .db file that controls google accounts and syncing, but it hasn't worked yet.

I have a hunch, though, that a fix is just around the corner. Lots of talk about this over at xda.

NookColor Making contacts work - nookDevs

In order to get your contacts to show up in Gmail, Google Voice, K9, etc follow these instructions:

Navigate to (doing this on a desktop is easiest).
Select the contacts you would like to have on your NookColor
Choose 'Export' then export these contacts to vcard (vcf) format.
Place this file on the root of your microSD card
Download 'Import Contacts' by edam from the market.
Use this to import your contacts and you're good to go!
Now, when you begin typing someone's name, their email or phone number, etc will show up in the programs mentioned above.


Kinda crappy workaround ... but may be just the trick for some people
^ hmm, actually that's a cool workaround; I already have all my phone contacts backed up on vcf. This fix will work perfect for those of us that don't use gmail but want to import our contacts to the NC for all other email options. thanks.
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thel8elvis thanks for sharing. I will try this. (Corrected, thanks Snookiecolor)
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Props go to the8elvis. I am going to try this too. Awesome. Hope it works.
I can't wait until wal mart has new nooks in stock so i can exchange my audio defective nook and get a final one!!!

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^ hmm, actually that's a cool workaround; I already have all my phone contacts backed up on vcf. This fix will work perfect for those of us that don't use gmail but want to import our contacts to the NC for all other email options. thanks.

Crappy in the sense that it doesn't sync. It is a perfectly viable way to import all your contacts.

I guess I just want things to be a little more seamless .... but I know they'll get there, and I *am* using a 'hacked' e-reader - so I guess I should lower my expectation bar a tad :)

Anyway - just passing on info I read on XDA - glad I could help out !
Crappy in the sense that it doesn't sync. It is a perfectly viable way to import all your contacts.

I guess I just want things to be a little more seamless .... but I know they'll get there, and I *am* using a 'hacked' e-reader - so I guess I should lower my expectation bar a tad :)

Anyway - just passing on info I read on XDA - glad I could help out !

Right now the NC is a work in progress, nothing is perfect and it is making it’s transformation into a full tablet. I guess I’m coming from the idea that most of us, well some of us will be completely wiping our NC away in the next month or two. So I’m not getting too attached to any app, setting or work around and considering everything NC wise, as small as they may be, a small victory and appreciate the work someone put in or found to get this little device off the ground.

We all know full blown froyo 2.2 works flawlessly and are feature packed and soon the NC will have it and all its glory.

So basically that is all I was saying with my “actually that's a cool workaround” comment.
I installed this, and works nice with email. I'm still looking for an app that will be everything in one.

Bring up a total Address List, which shows Name, Address, Phone # email Address, etc. Then when tapping on the email address will start the the email app. When tapping on the address it will bring up Google Maps, and of course will sync with Google or other Contacts List.

I have an Archos 5 Internet Table that runs Android 1.6, and the Contact List does all this. So hopefully when B&N comes out with the Android upgrade this month, this will all be included
Right now the NC is a work in progress, nothing is perfect and it is making it’s transformation into a full tablet. I guess I’m coming from the idea that most of us, well some of us will be completely wiping our NC away in the next month or two. So I’m not getting too attached to any app, setting or work around and considering everything NC wise, as small as they may be, a small victory and appreciate the work someone put in or found to get this little device off the ground.

We all know full blown froyo 2.2 works flawlessly and are feature packed and soon the NC will have it and all its glory.

So basically that is all I was saying with my “actually that's a cool workaround” comment.

indeed sir