Setcpu .GoLauncher. settings,moviestarplanet and dpi question's for the D2 pad tablet

Dec 18, 2012
I have three daughters and a D2 pad for each of them. A blue D_711 Serial D21209xxxxxxx version with 512mb ram, a black D_711 Serial D21209xxxxxxx version with 512mb ram, and a White D2 serial D212008Bxxxxxxx version with 1gb ram. I am using Myfishbear's rom's on all 3. I also installed "Go launcher" on all 3 and I am wondering if that is a bad thing. It doesnt take much for these 3 tablets to sorta freeze up while doing things. The girls did have a live wallpaper running with fish swimming and that slowed everything way down. Those were removed. I dont know if the slow down and general slow performance is a problem with mine or everyone elses?

I am also using Setcpu with 1008 on 204min mhz.
on interactive noop. Those settings were recommended on Myfishbear's rom page. Someone has mentioned overclocking to 1200mhz fried a d2 and they returned it to the store. I had read on another site to put the Setcpu onto 1100 or if able to 1152 and set the bottom to performance. I dont know who's recommendation I should follow. These tablets are supposed to have 1.2ghz processors from what it says on the box. It seems both recommendations are underclocking?

Also, the above roms for the two 512mb versions changed the dpi to 160, the 1gb version is set to 120dpi. Should I change the 1gb version to 160? One more thing. In developers options I have enabled "Dont keep activities, destroy every activity as soon as the user leaves it" I also have the background process limit set to "at most 2 processes. Should I have something different or anything else checked or unchecked?

I bought these for my girls for christmas hoping they wouldnt bug me to use my laptop and my wife her ipad. I unfortunately cannot get "moviestarplanet" app to work on all 3 of these tablets. And so the kids still want to go o my laptop. I did get club penguin to work. The moviestarplanet will load only on the browser when its set to desktop mode but the screen is shrunk and laggy. It is unuseable on the browser. The app will download from google play but when clicked the screen goes black then it goes back to the home screen. It was mentioned that the 1gb version with 120dpi should be set to 160dpi in order for the moviestarplanet app to work. It did not help. the lcd density modder program seemed to lag the homescreen too so I got rid of it. It might not of but it seemed like it did. Like I said before that the two 512mb versions are at 160dpi already and the app will not work with those two either. The same thing happens with the screen going black and then bounces me back to the homescreen with their wallpaper and icons.

If anyone can give me help or insight then I would appreciate anything you can throw my way. Thank you
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Hi, congrads on your new tablets. I just bought some of these D2-711's myself (512mb ram). My tablets say they are 1ghz on the box, but in fact all of mine are 1.2 and I would never underclock them as that just would be slowing them down. I left the cpu range how it came (60-1200mhz). I think they came with different processor speeds so check your "stock" speed. I wouldn't set process limits myself cause they have been working great for all the games and netflix and multitasking me and my kids have thrown at them. As far as go launcher, I use nova (free) I find go to be slow. I'm also running 120 dpi on my D2-711's, but installed density changer to go from 120-160 dpi so I can use google chrome. I'm new to all this myself, but I hope that I help you out with some of this info :)
That helped me somewhat, I did just update the rom on the white D2120B version with 1gb of ram to V2 of fishbears rom. That seemed to fix the slowdowns with that tablet. I also set the SetCpu program on 1152 on all 3 tablets. Maybe the reason for the slowdowns is because I have them underclocked but thats what Myfishbear recommended. I guess I will try 1200mhz and see if how that goes. I still cannot get moviestarplanet app to work with all 3 tablets. I also installed the newest flash onto all 3 and tried the web browser version of moviestarplanet with the browser setting on desktop but it freezes up. I will keep trying though.
Well I hope you get all that figured out. I know I read somewhere here that the dpi should be set to 160 or that it can cause problems for apps and stuff. Like I said there are a few diferent versions of these tablets and I know some of the D2-711's have 1ghz processors and some have the 1.2ghz ones (regardless of what the box says). It would be nice to know how much the 2 can be overclocked and underclocked to perform at their best.