Setting up Static IP (fixed IP address setting, no DHCP) in the Le Pans


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2012
I haven't seen a thread here yet about setting up or using Static IP address on the Le Pan tablets.

But I think it's a good idea, it speeds up the tabs connecting to the 'net when they are powered on or returning from being in sleep mode, etc.

This thread has the sequence of operations you need to enable and configure Static IPs. Read on.


From Kleine89's original post at XDA Devs social group :

Static IP (DHCP OFF) [How to]

1. Menu -> Settings ->Wireless & Networks -> WiFi Settings -> Menu -> Advanced
2. Check "Use Static IP"
3. Enter an IP address. (ie 192.168.x.x 10.0.0.x). Don't use one being used
4. Enter your Gateway (Router IP)-
5. Enter your subnet mask (usually, but if you need too know, here's a subnet cheatsheet l use at work, Subnet Mask Cheat Sheet & don't use /30!)
6. Enter DNS (Domain Name System, ie information.

For more details on how WiFi is used in Android, here's the official scoop.

And that helped me out. After updating the firmware, I managed to get Fixed IP working.

On 21st January 2012, I replied to him:

Kleine, thanks for the nice post. These controls are in a less-than-obvious location, so your guide is very useful.

I had tried a few times, using all the correct information, etc and no luck. My router could see the Le Pan under the Devices list, it showed itès MAC address corrctly but it did not show any IP assigned to it. Needless to say, it did not route any of its traffic, so nothing worked with the Fixed IP config. :(

This morning, applied the newest version of firmware, which dbaybay hosted, and it now works as expected. Yey! :)

My Reasons for using Static IP:

- faster on and off networking, no need to create traffic for dhcp requests, acks, renewals. I got annoyed on seeing my router logs and how many times my wifes tablet (Archos 101) was re-sending requests, etc.Like, every two minutes, woot....

- easier to reach the device with Static IP, I like AirDroid and can now bookmark the LePan easily.

- routing, I have two routes in my house. We use DSL, and I have a couple of different logins. One for me, other used by everyone else. The router is on the family IP route, with the Static I am able to point the tablet to my own (DSL modem IP) Gateway; bypassing the router and the QOS I have in place on it to control the kids voracity. :p

Happy now, thanks. :)


Any questions or comments, just post below, I will do my best to help.
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I have a Lepan TC-970, and have been unable to use the static Ip connection after trying several times and confirm all information entered was right.

Which firmware version is needed to get the wifi static ip connection working?
Thank in advance.

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I have a Lepan TC-970, and have been unable to use the static Ip connection after trying several times and confirm all information entered was right.

Which firmware version is needed to get the wifi static ip connection working?
Thank in advance.

Hi, I found that the latest firmware (the un-official, leaked version 4749) is the best for wifi in general. I couldn't get Static IP working well with the previous versions.

With 4749, success. :)

I can provide you with a link if you like, but remember, use at your own risk. The file came from Le Pan, leaked from one of their FTP servers.
yann setting up static ip is a little different on the LP2. To get to static ip you have to forget your current wifi setting. then select it again. the option to enter static ip will be there.
Thanks, John - I should do an Edit in the original post and include that. TY. :)