share laptop ethernet connection


Oct 29, 2010
I bought a 7 inch Android 2.2 tablet with wi-fi from (actually the order it's on its way)and I want to know how to connect tablet to internet sharing my laptop (Windows 7) ethernet connection.
There are three distinct tasks which has to be done. EACH create security holes for you.
1. Set up your PC to be an Internet Gateway
2. Set up your Wireless Card to be a Peer/Ad-Hoc Access point
3. Set up your Tablet to connect to Peer or Ad-Hoc APs

Google these and you will find the answer for your PC OS. and even the Tablet.
Further warning: Some Tablets require you to root them to allow Ad-Hoc AP access. Be aware
Forgot to mention another option. If your Tab has BT, then you can change Steps 2 and 3 to
2. Set up PC BT to be PAN gateway
3. Set up Tablet BT to be network connection
Hi, I've just managed to make it work using Connectify on a Lenovo notebook. "Easy setup wizard" that comes with Connectify asks for merely three parameters: Wi-Fi name, password, and Shared Connection(i.e. your Ethernet connection that you're about to share) - voila and that's all. The only additional thing I had to, was to restart my laptop (Connectify didn't want to start without this), and my new HAIPAD M701 MID connected to Connectify-managed connection without any problem and gained Internet access.
So I guess that al least Telechips-based devices can be connected to Connectify (note that it works on Win7 only).

Have fun...