Silicone "case" or other skin like film to prevent slipping?


Nov 15, 2011
Again I did a quick search and only found a few posts and most were about a harder TPU "silicone" style case. I'm looking for a soft rubber (silicone) case or some other skin to remove the slippery feel of the metal. I found this on Amazon and a few references around the web to it: but really nothing here when I search the forum for Fosman.

I was also thinking about a ZAGG skin and screen protector, a friend at work has this for his iPad, ditched the screen protector and kept the skin on the back to provide more grip (which it does very well), if anyone has the Zagg product on their a500 I'd like to read about it.

My last choice would be to mask and spray the metal parts with Plasti Dip:
Plasti Dip Protective Coating Products | Plasti Dip Protective Coating Products | Rubber Dip Coating
But this is a little permanent and I'm not sure how long it will last without peeling.

Currently I have some strips of gaffer tape on my tablet and this has made a huge difference in removing the slip potential, but it is ugly so I need to find a better choice.

I looked at the leather cases and none really fit the way I want, and since most of what I want to do is in portrait mode, none (that I've seen) will provide a stand. An automotive style holder will probably be modified for a portrait stand for my desk at work for reading manuals.
That skin really does very little to make the tablet managable if you ask me.

Its still big and unwieldy to balance in one hand while trying to type with the other.

I recommend a RooCase, or similar. These come in various colors and there are three or four different vendors to choose from who are all making something similar.

My tablet really became effective for me once it acquired a standing case that allows me to use it anywhere.
Thanks. I'm more concerned with holding it while reading and decided I didn't want the bulk of the leather cases. Found one on ebay with a screen protector for $8.00 shipped so if I don't like it I'm not really out any money. I'll probably buy a leather case for it something in the future but for now I want to try something to simply make it less slippery for reading.

Are there any cases made so I could hang the device from a hook? Just thinking that since it works with a bluetooth to RS232 device and BT keyboard that I might get some good use out of it if I could hang the tablet from a rack screw and type on a keyboard while working on network gear. Might be able to hang it from the tab on the back of some of these covers, but worth asking before I go and buy one.