Smooth Android Emulation Comes to Your Desktop PC or Mac with 'Andy'


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

Andy the Android takes on a whole new meaning now. A new piece of software is available for both the PC and the Mac which offers seamless Android emulation on your desktop. Andy currently uses Android 4.2 Jelly Bean but the developers plan to continue updating Andy to the most current version of Android as soon as they can after updates roll out.

Andy is a standalone app and can even allow you to play your favorite Android games directly from your synced Google account. It even has some cool features like the ability to use your phone as a remote control when playing games. Here's a quote with the details on how to get it going,

Once you’ve installed the software, you’ll be asked to sign into your Google account as well as 1ClickSync in order to sync up Andy and the Android device you want to pair with your desktop.

If you want to use your phone or tablet in conjunction with your computer, the Andy app for Android devices will allow you to control the emulator from your mobile device. This is especially useful for games or apps that require the accelerometer or a touchscreen in order to function. ~ BGR

The emulator isn't available on the Google Play Store just yet, but the APK can be downloaded from DropBox right now. Alternatively, you can download the app for free from the company's website:
If you check their G+ page, they only have a couple of posts and the comments are quite negative. I experienced the same problem that many are posting about. The experience in insufferably laggy. What should take seconds or even instantly takes several minutes. The initial Google sign in process took me nearly an hour on my laptop (2nd gen i7, 6Gb RAM, 1 Gb Nvidia video card). There was just no reason it should be that slow. The website often references a phone app for syncing but it doesn't exist for public consumption yet. The experience is so poor, it makes Bluestacks look like a Godsend. Andyroid (the company that is putting this out there) really needs to respond to the comments and put out the fire or this project will go down in flames. I had high hopes for what was advertised but the product is barely worth calling an alpha stage. I'll keep an eye on it and hope it improves but fair warning, if you try this, it will be least for now.
Dual booting via GRUB and the Android-x86 project sounds like a better option at this point in time.
I have something similar to this running also..It's called Bluestacks..It works fairly well...But I have a version of Kit Kat running with a dual boot grub with Virtual Box also...The bluestacks is a lot more responsive versus the Virtual Box install of Kit Kat..It's free for now because it's still in beta and is rootable via Bluestacks Root Ez....