So Glad to Be Here!


Apr 1, 2011
Newly Lusting after a Tablet & a Question on How the Site Works. I love AndroidTablets.Net!

I am going to feel very foolish but after reading the FAQs and hunting around, I cannot figure out how to thank a member for a great explanation. Is there a button to push? Please tell me how to let someone know that I appreciated his post.

Sure, on the very bottom left hand side of each post there are usually two "buttons". One is to thank someone and looks like a thumbs up, the other is to report the post as inappropriate and looks like a warning triangle. Welcome to the site.

Sent from my Rooted SuperPad II using Android Tablet Forum App
Just as an update, I left out that if you use the forum app there is no way to thank someone except to reply and say thank you.

Sent from my Huawei Ascend M860 using Android Tablet Forum App