So I'm walking down University Ave in Palo Alto California


Dec 21, 2010

And I find myself in front of An Apple store, my wife looks at me and says , don't even think about it. But it was too late with my four year old at my side we strolled in. My son quickly saw a crazy bird app and went for it, at the same time I pulled out my baby ( the S7).. everybody was starring at me , the store was packed, I moved the S7 over the IPAD to compare the size. This caught the attention of a would be IPAD buyer, he asked what is that? ... I said well thats kinda hard to say, right now its a restaurant finder, I poked the Yelp APP and showed him how I'm looking for a restaurant, I continue... on our way here it was a live traffic reporter, I opened up the "beat the traffic APP, If I'm lost I use the GPS I clicked the Navigation APP, If I need the weather I click this, If I need to make a phone call I push this, If I need to set the alarm with a song I push this, If me and my wife wanna see some porn I ... Thats when the wife stepped in and said "I think he gets it hun" Afterwards I told him how much it cost and also told him at best buy it costs $299 and that I have spent zero dollars for everything I have so far since buying it. This guy looked confused like he couldn't believe it. He asked for the name , I fliped it over. I poped it back in my leather jacket walked out and took this picture, the apple salespeople had no idea what just happened. LOL I wish I had video taped it , It would have been a great commercial. Totally unplanned, however I'm thinking about a you tube skit......


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I get the same reaction in BB, the sales people don't even know that it can take a sim card....
I was in Best Buy last week for something else and made a call with the S7 and the person there was floored. Didnt believe it was the same model they sell til i showed them specifically.
That's an awesome story

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