[SOLVED] Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Charging Red X Problems


Feb 9, 2014

I have been having all sorts of problems with my Galaxy Tab 10.1 not charging properly and having the red x on the battery icon. Tried pressing the on/off and volume buttons together which did seem to fix it - but as soon as the tab was unplugged and plugged back in the red x came again. If the battery drained right down it was almost impossible to bring the tab back to life. I even bought a new battery as I thought the battery must be duff.... no.

The problem was with the charger. The Tab and Note use a TWO AMP (2A, 2amp, 2Amp) charger. I was using the plug from my S3 phone with the tab lead. I looked at the small print on the plug and it's a one amp (1A, 1amp, 1Amp) plug. I had muddled up my plugs and leads. Hunted around for the original 2amp plug and YAY! Immediately got the green battery charging icon, was able to switch the unit on easily and it is charging away now with a white lightning icon.

Save yourself a massive headache - check you are using a two amp charger or that your charger is working properly.

I really hope this helps someone else. Good luck.
Unfortunately I have never used anything other than the power cord that came with it. Any other suggestions?:mad:
Some people claim that if the charger is not genuine samgung then the tablet detects this and limits charging below the required causing the red x on the battery icon. However, my galaxy2 10.1 will charge properly on a 'cables to go' charger that can only deliver .5A and Samsung chargers capable of 1A cause the red X to appear. So.. I wired a USB extension cable (8") to a 5v power supply capable of 35A and I still get the red X. It seems that the OS is not working properly. I'm now connecting an ammeter in series to see exactly what teh tablet is doing. For those who are having problems try ensuring that the tablet is off and plug it in to a charger capabable of 1A. Then gently wiggle the connector at the tablet port. If there are not indications of an intermittant connection (connect/disconnect sound) then the tablet should show a battery. If you experience a fault like battery shows then blank screen then battery shows.. unplug from tablet and plug back in, wait 15 min and try again. The tablet will slowly charge until it gets enough where it will fully charge on its own. Once charged fully turn it on and use. Do not let power go less than 20% until the OS is fixed. Also, turn off while charging to allow the voltage monitoring circuit to measure battery capacity correctly.
Unfortunately I have never used anything other than the power cord that came with it. Any other suggestions?:mad:

Ok here goes. the charger must supply at least 5.3 volts dc in order for the tablet to show that it is charging properly. The higher the current the better but the voltage is what tells the tablet that it has a proper supply. That's all there is to it. Try to use a charger that supplies at least 2 Amps or 2000 miliamps. If yours is 1700 miliamps or 1.7 amps then that's ok too. The higher the current the faster it will charge. If the voltage is not at least 5.3v then the tablet will throttle charging at about .5 amps which will take forever and show a red X on the battery icon. The charger does not need to be samsung but samsung makes their chargers run at 5.3 volts on purpose. If you have a samsung charger and your tablet still shows a red x then the charger is faulty by not supplying the required 5.3v. Google 5.3v 2 amp charger to find a suitable one. I hope this helps. Cheers!
Unfortunately I have never used anything other than the power cord that came with it. Any other suggestions?:mad:

Made an account for this. I had to change my micro USB cord and that worked perfectly. The stock cord seems to crap out a lot.
Hello and merry Christmas to everyone,
I have got more or less the same problem, I purchased a Samsung galaxy note tab 4 from yourself and sadly it will not charge. I have a Samsung phone with the same charger and the charger that came with the tablet works fine with my phone but not the tablet. My phone charger won't charge the tablet either.
Also when the charger is plugged in, a red 'X' appears over the battery icon in the top right corner. The battery is now dead.
I also tried to charge the tablet from my laptop (usb) but it does not charge.
Do you have any sdvice?
many thanks in advice
I have been using the same outlet and power cord that came with the tablet. I just suddenly started getting the red X and am baffled. I don't know what to do. Help.
I have the "red x" charging problem with my Galaxy Tab 10.1.
The problem apparently is in my case upgrade from the original Honeycomb (3.1 Android) to Ice Cold Sandwich (4.0.4).
After the upgrade my system became hyper-sensitive about "quality" of charging circumstances.
Before upgrade I could charge from just about anything reasonable e.g. from car cigaret lighter adapter, and of course the original charger too.
After upgrade the only one working is one particular charger. Even another unit - original genuine from Samsung and bought as a second charger from authorized reseller - does not work. So from 4 - 5 normally used options for charging I can use only one - and once again, even very original charger may cause "red x" issue.
Currently looking for ways to solve the issue.
Check for dirty usb port on tablet, i give mine port a blow just about every time before i charge it.

I have a Samsung Tab S 10.5 , and have used an HTC 1amp phone charger and it works fine, no red x, also i have used a 1amp charger i got from lidl in the uk and that works fine also, my Samsung Tab comes with a 5.3v 2amp charger.

I think the charging cable is really the most important part, i use the one that came with my Tablet it`s nice a thick and good quality, poor quality of thin charging cable are no good.

The only time i seen a red x, is when my Sam Tab is connected to my Notebook.
