Some interesting info from Lepan


May 16, 2012
As I can not paste the message here, Lepan sent me back a message about HDMI cable problems and the release date of ICS. Support staff says there is no such set day for relesse. They would only say is is being worked on. They did however appologize again and again. Admitted they are a small company but wanted to succeed. And they replied to my case within minutes. So I don't know where this inside info is coming from on a 25th release of ICS but if it's true that would be great!
That info came from me based on an inside tip. I wouldn't hold your breath though. It could happen, I know they are actively working on it. In truth I have not heard from that source in quite some time so I don't know the current status.

You can paste your response from le pan at we would all love to read it.
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That info came from me based on an inside tip. I wouldn't hold your breath though. It could happen, I know they are actively working on it. In truth I have not heard from that source in quite some time so I don't know the current status.

You can paste your response from le pan at we would all love to read it.
Le Pan Life Forums

Was trying to copy it from my mail app but couldn't do it.. Will have to do it from my laptop later.
That info came from me based on an inside tip. I wouldn't hold your breath though. It could happen, I know they are actively working on it. In truth I have not heard from that source in quite some time so I don't know the current status.

You can paste your response from le pan at we would all love to read it.
Le Pan Life Forums


Here's what they sent me. You can't see what I asked them but basically I was asking them when exactly ICS an the HDMI issue would be fixed. I did not push the HDMI thing so much but I did express my surprise when they announced the release and then a couple hour later pulled their product. That did not look good. I think one reason they have had some luck with their product is because it get semi decent reviews and they have some good sales partners. But if you look at the top of this screen and click on the ad for a 1.2 ghz pad running ICS already, there is some stiff competition. I will begin to wonder, well honestly, have begun to wonder if we are chumps for buying a Lepan. I like them but are there better tablets out there that are cheaper and have ICS an HDMI already? Let me know....

Comments from LePan Support:


Again, our apologies. After releasing the HDMI cable, further testing proved that many tablets (but not all) have the HDMI option removed - we have to wait on the developers to release a fix. We are trying, but you're right - the company is small, and new, and we're working on becoming better. Thank you for your patience.

Case Subject: Your Website and no firmware how to instructions

Update Date: 5/22/2012 9:34:36 AM

Comments from LePan Support:

We have heard nothing about the ICS release.

Case Subject: Your Website and no firmware how to instructions

Update Date: 5/22/2012 11:02:18 AM

Comments from LePan Support:

Our developers have not released a tentative date as of yet.
They are working on fixing some of the bugs in the software hence they are waiting to complete that before the release.
Good info, thanks Mike. I don't think communication between the manufacturer in China and the service center in the US is very good. ICS could be just around the corner and they don't know it.

I was lucky enough to get an HDMI cable ordered before they pulled it. I received it Tuesday. I have two LP2's. One from December and one purchased in May. the HDMI works on the new one but not the old one.
This is very disappointing. I hope they can find a solution.

I don't see any ads at the top of the page so I don't know what tablets you are refering to. The big difference between Le Pan and a lot of other budget tablets is access to the Play Store (aka Android Market). If you read closely many other cheaper tablets don't have it.
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