Some issues that I am having, probally becuse i am retarted


Senior Member
Apr 27, 2011
Got my tablet yesterday and I love it. I am having two small issues tho.

1. Ebooks, I have a few PDF Ebooks on my computer that i tried adding to the Tablet, there is no folder for Ebooks and when i read the Acer user manuel online it said to place the books in the Lumireader folder which i also cant find, so i just created a folder called Ebooks and put them on the tablet. Well go figure they do not show up. Has anyone placed a book on thiers yet and it worked?

2. Movies. Well at first i placed a .avi video file on there and it did not play. After reading the instructions the tablet does not reconize .avi, so as it stated i converted it to .wma which it says that it support. Well when i selected the video, it still did not work. So again has anyone had any success and if so do you know a good free converter for viedos?

I am sure i will post more as i hit road blocks but by far this is an awesome tablet, hopefully accessores will release soon, i really need a screen protector and cover.
Haven't tried lumireader but you can read PDF files in documents to go which is also included from Acer. My biggest complaint is that you can only scroll pdf pages vertically, there's no split screen mode for landscape viewing, and I couldnt search for text in the pdf. Also, pages took a little while to load (800mb pdf files) but still useable. Hopefully adobe will release a honeycomb optimized version of their pdf reader with better features.

Haven't tried playing video files directly from the device but streaming with vlc direct is decent if you don't care about HD playback. Would be intresting to hear what other's are using for local vid playback though.
I know it is not free, but give ezPDF Reader a shot. It's awesome!! I happened to get it free from Amazon, as it was the free app of the day one day.
I know it is not free, but give ezPDF Reader a shot. It's awesome!! I happened to get it free from Amazon, as it was the free app of the day one day.

+1 - ezPDF is worth the money (though I got it free from Amazon, too.)
I had a couple of .FLV movies which are playing just fine with Moboplayer. It looks for them in your folders and just plays them. You may have to convert them but try it out. I haven't tried an .avi player but Moboplayer is supposed to play them with ease. I can give you some suggestions for adding your books later tonight, when I try it. I've done it before on my G-Tablet and it wasn't hard, I just had to figure out where to put them.
On the movie front, check the Android Market for avi players. I have tried Summer Player and MoboPlayer, and they both played avi files. I just dropped the movies in the Movie folder on the Iconia and pointed the apps to look there. Trying to decide which is better, but they both work.
Ok first off thanks to all who replied you helped a lot. The MOBOPLAYER is awesome and worked perfectly with the .avi files. As for the ebooks, for some reason when i plugged it back into my computer this afternoon there is now a LumiBooks folder, all i had to do was copy and paste and they were there. Thanks again for all your help
A couple of more dumb questions that I can't find the answers to. 1. I can't seem to download the online manual. I touch the download icon (left side of manual line item) and nothing happens.

2. How do you change background image? I bet it's in the manual that I can't seem to download.

3. Is it possible to have the Acer be in apps mode by default instead of the 4 screen, multi media, books, etc mode.
1. I'll see if I can upload the manual (or point you right to it) in a couple of hours, when I'm home from work (if someone hasn't done it already.)

2. You can change your background by doing a long press. On that screen you will see wallpapers, etc, that let you configure your screens the way you want.

3. Probably is, but I can't say for sure (yet); I'm sure someone will chime in.
you dont have to use the multimedia orginizer, just drag it to the recyling bin in the top right of the home screen click on the plus symbol and add what ever short cut or widget you want to the screen.