sony 32gb tablet svt112 brand new, cant do ebooks


Dec 26, 2012
Hi there. Please help if possible. I have got a brand new tablet and i cannot figure out after transferring the ebooks onto the tablet how to change the format of the extensions to be opened by the kindle application or the reader application. I can buy them ok, but just ive been given some by a friend. For example if i have the book in mobi or epub format, how do i change them after transferring them? please help me if you can.
Regards Tim
never mind people. I actually figured it out by myself. I just had to make sure that the ebooks were in MOBI format and transfer them via the usb method straight into the "kindle" directory. This is thanks to a program that i downloaded called callibre, which is a converter program. Sweet as. no more problems.....
Calibre is the defacto ebook management program and I'm sure you will find many people here use it. It's terrific for managing your ebook collection.