SONY Reader app for Android

Dec 8, 2010
Well, this will either be of interest to ONLY me or perhaps one other person, but I'm posting it anyway. I was one of the 1st buyers of the SONY E-Reader, back in 2006. I amassed 189 books that I had downloaded: 100 free classics and 89 paid for. Used that thing like nobody's business and it traveled the globe with me.

Then, I got my Gal-Tab in early December. It came with a Kindle app, so I started downloading Kindle books and put my beloved Sony Reader in a drawer, not sure what to do with it. I had read about hacking and ?rooting? patches to snag/bag/tag my e-books but don't have the talent to break into my Gal-Tab. So, I wrote off the hundreds of dollars of books and shrugged off my losses.

Saturday, I got my bi-monthly Sony Reader email, which I've just been deleting, unread. Too painful to be reminded of my loss. Opened this one: "There's an ANDROID APP, for that!!!" Heart pounding, I went to Sony, downloaded the barcode, hit INSTALL, and closed my eyes.

Opened them when I got the alert that the app was downloaded. NEVER expected that my books would transfer over, but.....all 189 of them are now accessible on my Gal-Tab and I've lost nothing! God Bless Sony's team for making an Android app! There's not even an Apple one, yet!

So, if any single person is in my predicament, you can now retrieve 100% of your library that you've bought and loved!

Sometimes, there is a happy ending to a story!
Wasn't it, feverhost!!! I buy 1-2 books per month for my bookclubs that I belong to. That's at least $25 bucks or $300.00 in lost sales to Sony. My Gal-tab came with a Kindle app and I've also downloaded the Google and Nook apps for books, as each app has different features. Never, in my wildest dreams, would I think that Sony would put out an app...let alone one for poor Android first...being seen as Apple's Red-Haired Stepchild. I wrote them two "Thank You" letters and surprisingly, received a $25.00 credit for more ebooks directly from Sony. Now...THAT'S customer service! When you consider that I'd been collecting e-books for 4 years, that's quite a library to lose; Sony was very wise, indeed, to make this app and allow all purchases to go forward. Now, I need to decide "What in the world to do?", with my beloved Sony E-Reader beside shoving it back into that drawer.
"Sony E-Reader"... you could always sell it, donate it, or give to a friend, or family ;)
I've thought of gifting it to a beloved BFF but don't know how to do it. If she downloads the software and plugs in the Reader, I'm worried that all my payment information will come up and don't know how to transfer ownership. I'd love to be able to give her the Reader with all 189 books in it; I suppose that I can call up Sony and find out what they'd say.
Well, this will either be of interest to ONLY me or perhaps one other person, but I'm posting it anyway. I was one of the 1st buyers of the SONY E-Reader, back in 2006. I amassed 189 books that I had downloaded: 100 free classics and 89 paid for. Used that thing like nobody's business and it traveled the globe with me.

Then, I got my Gal-Tab in early December. It came with a Kindle app, so I started downloading Kindle books and put my beloved Sony Reader in a drawer, not sure what to do with it. I had read about hacking and ?rooting? patches to snag/bag/tag my e-books but don't have the talent to break into my Gal-Tab. So, I wrote off the hundreds of dollars of books and shrugged off my losses.

Saturday, I got my bi-monthly Sony Reader email, which I've just been deleting, unread. Too painful to be reminded of my loss. Opened this one: "There's an ANDROID APP, for that!!!" Heart pounding, I went to Sony, downloaded the barcode, hit INSTALL, and closed my eyes.

Opened them when I got the alert that the app was downloaded. NEVER expected that my books would transfer over, but.....all 189 of them are now accessible on my Gal-Tab and I've lost nothing! God Bless Sony's team for making an Android app! There's not even an Apple one, yet!

So, if any single person is in my predicament, you can now retrieve 100% of your library that you've bought and loved!

Sometimes, there is a happy ending to a story!

What's the app called ?

I am in a similar situation as youre.

That is such great news. I bought a Sony Reader in July 2009. By Feb. 2010, it had stopped working, and Sony refused to honor the warranty, as the display cracked. I have something in the neighborhood of $300 in books that have been worthless to me.
that's so really good news for me too! I've got 229 books on my Reader and thought well I guess I'll just have to carry the Galaxy and the Reader everywhere. I'm really thankful to you Miss Minnesota for posting this topic and to Sony for making the app. Best news I've gotten today! Oh and what is the name of the app or do you just go to Sony and find it?
I have been trying installing the sony reader app for android in my new Samsung Galaxy Tablet and when in the market (browser) the install option is disabled for the tablet. If I search thru the market app I never get the reader to show. Does anyone have had this problem?
I haven't had that problem, but the problem I had was that it would only download half my books, and I couldn't get it to download the other half. Here's what you do. Forget the Sony Reader app. Use their library software to download your books to your PC. Then, hook up your device and dump all the books onto the device (all in 1 directory). Download Aldiko book reader. When you add the books to the Aldiko reader, it will ask for your Sony userID and PW. When you input that, it will download a DRM from Sony, and you can get all your sony books on the Aldiko reader.