Speech to text hack on android!


Apr 30, 2010
Hi All,

For some reason, If you don't own a Motorola droid or a Google nexus one you can't use the speech to text functionality on android devices.

If your device doesn't have support for Speech to Text feature, you will have to install it manually.
The problem is that this feature doesn't exist for some reason on the Android Market, so we will do it in the tricky way :)

What is an APK file?
An apk file is “android package file” with the extension ‘.apk’ use to install any application on Google Android powered mobile phone. So in case you need to install any application on your android phone you need to have file with .apk format.
Installing any application on Google android is pretty easy but installing non market apps on android phone is little tricky one. Well don’t worry, here we go.

1. Download Google Speech to Text apk file from here: 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download VoiceSearch.apk
2. Copy the file to your SD card, and push the card to your mobile device
3. Install and open the Apps Installer application from the Android Market (This opens a view showing *.apk application names in the sd card root directory)
4. Select VoiceSearch.apk file you just downloaded
5. Restart your mobile.

Enjoy, and don't talk too much to your phone :)

i have a samsung Galaxy 3 (GT-i5801) with 2.1 eclair update 1...when i followed your procedure the installation was successfull & the mic icon also appears near any input
but it doesnt work actually...when i click on dat mic icon besides search bar...a pop comes up,a large mic image is seen & suddenly another error popup comes stating
"The application Voice Search
(process com.google.android.voicesearch) has stopped unexpectedly. please try again....Force close?"

PLz can u help me with this as i wanted to get it working on dis device....
i will be really very thankfull for that....
Thanks, but it doesn't work on the 101. Force Closes when you try to use it.


For those interested, I found a copy of the voice search program over on the droidforums.net website that works on the 101. Here is the link.
Http://www.droidforums.net/forum/bugless/69458-voice-search-download-install-works-html Thank you to all the people much smarter out there than me that have helped completely transform the functionality of my tablet and make it do so much more than I ever thought possible!!.
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