Standby Problem


Oct 8, 2010
I've GENTOUCH78 and I've a problem with the battery when the devices is in stand-by

If the device in the night is in stand-by, when I stand up the battery is emty.

Do you have some solutions ?

Sorry for my bad english :)
The Gentouch78 has no true "standby" mode. What you are doing is only turning off the screen. The computer is still running. The only solution to preserve your battery is to shutdown the computer.
The Gentouch78 has no true "standby" mode. What you are doing is only turning off the screen. The computer is still running. The only solution to preserve your battery is to shutdown the computer.

Thanks but in this case when I turn on the device I wait many time for booting :-(

There are any other solutions ? :-(
Apparently they never got low power mode to work properly with the GT, so I always just used to shut mine down when I was finished using it for a while, and let it re-charge until I was going to be using it again... might want to set it on a raised stand or something as mine got warmish while charging, and VERY warm while powered up and running on AC... (I used to prop mine up on the case mounts that held the GT in place when it was in the case...)

It doesn't really take all that long to boot either, and if you know that you'll be wanting to use it shortly just start it powering up and finish up whatever you're doing and most of the time it will be at the home screen by then or close to it... e.g. I used to start mine up, and then go get the coffee ready to make and usually by the time that I had finished that the GT was just about finished starting up...