Static noise coming from my new tablet?


Oct 21, 2012
Hello, I recently purchased a Prestige 10 tablet from Visual Land Inc, and so far I'm quite enjoying it except for one aspect. Static keeps coming from the speakers, even when I have the volume turned all the way down. Also, when I plug my headphones in the static is no longer there. Any thoughts?
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Just a little thought I read somewhere not sure if it was on this forum or maybe another one but it could be something to do with the screen brightness try turning it down a little to see what happens
I could be completely wrong but as I'm sure like me anything is worth a try if it works

Hope this helps
did you ever figure out what was wrong? i just got my prestige and i REALLY don't want to go through the hassle of returning and exchanging if it can be fixed
The screen brightness wasn't the problem unfortunately and the only thing I've found that works is to plug in some headphones and leave them laying next to the tablet so I don't have to listen to the static.