Stationed in Germany, unable to test drive tablets, PLEASE help me out


Feb 17, 2012
Hello all. I hate to do this, but I am in desperate need of help. I am currently stationed in Germany with the Army. I had, well still have a Motorola Xoom, but my son broke the screen. I managed t0 sell it to a repair shop and I am now looking for a new tablet. Unfortunately I can;t look at tablets, test drive tablets, etc... so I am relying on internet information only. I loved my Xoom, but it had it's shortcomings. I did have it rooted, rommed and overclocked, so I consider myself somewhat tech savvy. Anyway.....

I am looking at the ipad, Sony Tablet S, Galaxy 10.0 and the Galaxy Plus

I am really leaning toward the Tablet S. I like the screen resolution, bluetooth, the full size memory card slot, but I am concerned that because it's in the minority of tablets, support won't be there, and I read somewhere online that it uses an older version of Android.

The ipad is universal, lots of apps, support, but I have an iphone and this just seems like a bigger version of that.

Galaxy, well no memory card slot, the 7 plus does, but that may be too small.

Well, I just don't know what to do. Like I said my research is internet only, and most of that is opinionated. I can't do hands-on research, I don;t speak German, and I don't know even where to go. The base exchange sells ipads as their only tablet.

I am American, and have netflix and Amazon prime on my computer working running through an ip mask. I am going to have to somehow run my tablet through the ip mask as well, but thats a job to be figured out another day.

Does the original Asus transformer have a memory slot? Bluetooth?

So, recommendations??????????????
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The prime has a micro sd slot, taking up to, I believe, 32Gb. If you can, get the UK version as it comes with the keyboard and another 32Gb Sd slot. The keyboard also takes external hard disks via its USB2 port and it gives it a huge battery life. I reckon 2-3 days of average use. However the UK version has 32Gb onboard, the US version has 64 I believe.
It has Bluetooth but someone units seem to have real issues with the gps due to the casing. However thats what I use my iPhone for!
It seems very responsive (that'll be the 4 cores) and the screen is far better than I expected after looking at ipads, but is not quite "retina" quality.
I have found the WiFi to be fine both directly to my (fairly old) router and tethered to my iPhone.

I'm very pleased with mine indeed, and although there were too many models on the market to do a full comparison, I wouldn't swap it now!


Sent from my transformer prime.