Stock Browser issues?


Senior Member
Aug 3, 2011
Is anyone having issues with their stock browser?

Whenever I try to open another tab, it just crashes. Same thing goes for pop-outs. Sometimes, it doesn't even open.

I'm not getting a force close messages, just crashing.

This seems to have started after the Google Play update. For a short time, I was logged into Chrome and had my browser set to sync, but no longer.

It doesn't do it on my other browser, but I kinda like using the stock for somethings.

Clear your cache.
I've had the stock browser go wonky once in a while, and it always ends up being a cache issue.
Worst case is having to clear all data (in app settings, not in the browser), but then you lose any saved passwords.
This also happens on my Nexus One once in a while.
Clear your cache.
I've had the stock browser go wonky once in a while, and it always ends up being a cache issue.
Worst case is having to clear all data (in app settings, not in the browser), but then you lose any saved passwords.
This also happens on my Nexus One once in a while.
Yeah problem is one gets a bit lazy and doesn't want to do a cache clear. If there was a way to clear the cache and not lose the passwords - I'd like to see that.
Clear your cache.
I've had the stock browser go wonky once in a while, and it always ends up being a cache issue.
Worst case is having to clear all data (in app settings, not in the browser), but then you lose any saved passwords.
This also happens on my Nexus One once in a while.
That seems to have done the trick. I forget about doing that sometimes. I don't seem to have lost any passwords. Wouldn't those be kept in data?.
My browser crashes when I click on box score for the spring training BB games.
But my cache folder shows nothing in it.
It just started doing it yesterday.
Is there only one cache folder or is there one under the browser somewhere?