storage and manipulation


Jun 22, 2012
Hi I have just bought arnova 10b g3 and am struggling to move from PC mode to tablet mode. I have installed 32gb sdhc card and can't find out how to move to and from it as I used to with 'explorer' in windows. I have installed esfile explorer and it shows sd card but with nothing on it
Hi Chris, congratulations on your new Arnova 10b and welcome to the forum. I'm moving your thread to the Archos Home Tablets section for you, where more people with that tablet are likely to join the discussion and try to help you move things to and from the tablet. Good luck!
Hi Chris, what is it you are trying to do? Have you put any files on the card yet? To put files on the card you need to insert it into the PC (or a card reader) and copy the files from the pc you want to the sd card. Then safely eject the card and insert it into the tablet. You should now be able to use the file explorer to see those files.

Alternatively, you can attach the tablet to the PC via a usb cable. With the sd card inserted in the tablet you should see a couple of new drives appear when you connect the tablet to the PC. These will be the internal storage and the sd card in the tablet. Using the PC you can now copy files from the pc to the appropriate location on the tablet. Safely eject the tablet and then use the file explorer to find the files you transferred.

These are the simplest methods. With a little more work you can setup ES File Explorer of Samba to have the tablet see other devices on your network. You can then access and move files back and forth between the tablet and the PC wirelessly from the tablet.
