Streaming Windows Media on 7022


Jun 15, 2011
I learned that my Coby Kyros 7022 (and all android tablets) can't play streaming windows media. I thought I had figured out a work around by using Team Viewer to remotely view and control my desktop PC. There is just one problem. When running Windows Media Player or launching it within the browser on my desktop and connecting with Team Viewer, I can't see the video displayed on my tablet. I can see and control everything else on my desktop, but the video doesn't display. It is just a black screen.

Anyone have any ideas on what could be wrong and how to fix this? Is this simply an inherent limitation of the android tablet? Thanks.
It's not a limitation of android tablets, it's a limitation of Microsoft. They have locked down the media codecs used for windows media (presumably due to DRM issues) and any linux-based device has problems with certain windows media formats. All of my videos or stored in either avi (xvid) or mp4 (h.264) format, and I have no problems streaming them to my 7022.