

Nov 6, 2011
Hello from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. I have just purchased an ACER tablet and it appears to be using a lot of internet time. Is there a way to maybe turn off some of the applications I will not be using. I am a "low end user" apparently.

Any advice gratefully received.
Hello sunjo, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new Acer tablet. nice of you to join us here at Android Tablets as a new member of the forum. I'd say a good place to start would be to set your email so it doesn't constantly check for new mail and set your apps to not update automatically. If that doesn't do enough for you, click this link to the Acer Tablets section of the forum. Maybe the folks who own Acers will have some additional recommendations for you if you ask there. It's funny, but just a while ago I was thinking I'd like to be where you are. Looking forward to Summer would be very nice compared to what I'm looking forward to here in Chicago.:cool: