SuperPad 3 - charging problems


Nov 30, 2011
I haven't had my Superpad 3 for long, and I'm new to Android and tablets in general. We found that the battery charge didn't last very long, so were forced to use the tablet while connected up to the charger. The jack plug is a straight type and so sticks out from the tab. The cable is very short and we found that we were bending it a lot. I think eventually this has caused the socket to become strained and now it is very difficult to get the charger to actually connect and show the green charging light. It now takes 24hours to get a reasonable charge and it doesn't last very long. Is this a common fault?

The use of a straight jack plug is a design fault IMO - a right angled jack would not suffer from being bent over.

Has anybody else had a similar problem?
Mine is a P041 model with a 9v charger, and I've had no problems at all - the cord on the charger is 1.83 meters (6 feet) long.
I haven't had my Superpad 3 for long, and I'm new to Android and tablets in general. We found that the battery charge didn't last very long, so were forced to use the tablet while connected up to the charger. The jack plug is a straight type and so sticks out from the tab. The cable is very short and we found that we were bending it a lot. I think eventually this has caused the socket to become strained and now it is very difficult to get the charger to actually connect and show the green charging light. It now takes 24hours to get a reasonable charge and it doesn't last very long. Is this a common fault?

The use of a straight jack plug is a design fault IMO - a right angled jack would not suffer from being bent over.

Has anybody else had a similar problem?

I have the same problem with my superpad 3, the jack plug has to be moved about to get a connection, contacted the seller but suddenly their english was "iffy", they did'nt want to know. I have to strain the cable to get a connection. I was thinking of opening up the tablet and soldering in another jack plug.. anbody any ideas on this