Switch Brands to get Honeycomb 3.1?


May 2, 2011
I don't know about you guys, but with more and more tablets coming out this summer with Android 3.1 already installed, I am thinking of switching. I like my Acer A500, but let's face it, Honeycomb is Honeycomb. The Toshiba Thrive is due to hit the stores soon, and it has a USB and a full size SD card slot, along with the HDMI and - 3.1 Android. Plus the battery can be replaced and it has a surface one can easily grip without dropping.
The Samsung tablet runs 3.1. And doesn't the Asus have it too now?

I like my Acer, but if Fourth of July comes and no 3.1, I'm going to have to switch to the Toshiba forum.

I emailed Acer today and pretty much complained and told them the same thing. so far all I got was the typical noncomittal response i feared I would. I'm just about ready to jump ship.

Updates are what set brands apart. Some manufacturers get them out quick (Moto) and some lag behind (samsung). Pick a tab based on features and know that updates will eventually come.
people should just chill on the whole update issue. Acer has already stated that we will get 3.1 by the end of june, and personally, id rather they take their time and work out the kinks instead of giving us a buggy update.
There is some truth in what you say. I can be patient when no one has 3.1, but it is more difficult when others have it and Acer doesn't. Hopefully the rumor about the end of June is true.
Android 3.1 is only a small part of my frustration. many people are not buying the iconia for various reasons: poor dev support (especially netflix and the locked bootloader) , weight, lack of aftermarket accessories. Plus Acer customer support isn't really customer friendly. I know firsthand from a bad laptop experience. Not all of these are under Acer's control, but some of them are, and they w ould go a long way towards improving the whole gig. Better dev support would drive sales, which woud attract more devs and also boost accessories, and the whole thing couldbuild in the momentum. Instead, Acer keeps dragging their feet and our tablet experience keeps lagging behind.
Android 3.1 is only a small part of my frustration. many people are not buying the iconia for various reasons: poor dev support (especially netflix and the locked bootloader) , weight, lack of aftermarket accessories. Plus Acer customer support isn't really customer friendly. I know firsthand from a bad laptop experience. Not all of these are under Acer's control, but some of them are, and they w ould go a long way towards improving the whole gig. Better dev support would drive sales, which woud attract more devs and also boost accessories, and the whole thing couldbuild in the momentum. Instead, Acer keeps dragging their feet and our tablet experience keeps lagging behind.
I agree with some of those issues, but i think things are starting to change pretty fast. Have you checked out the dev section on xda? In the last week or so, things have jumped tremendously in terms of development, despite the locked bootloader. Yeah Acer still needs to unlock the bootloader though, then things will get wayyyy easier and dev friendly. !(and release the kernal source code!) I'm also hoping that with the recent CEO change at Acer, they are starting to change their business practices, but we will see. I must say though, I was overly impressed with the build quality of the A500. I was originally planning to get the Transformer, but after getting my hands on the Acer, well, I couldnt resist. As of right now im still feelng pretty positve about wher the A500 is headed. :​
But where does that end? Would you then swap the new one at some point because it doesn't have 3.2 and new ones do? Once you buy you're always behind. We'll get 3.1 eventually its just a case of being patient.
Update time scale (Well for Australia and NZ anyway)

Just thought it may be useful to people to know that I have been talking to the Acer AusNZ guys on Facebook in the last day or so, and they have let me know that 6/23 is the planned date for 3.1 roll-out down under. I would think this would be pretty close to a worldwide release?

(See image... )

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Last time I checked, the only tablet actually shipping with 3.1 is the Motorola Xoom.

While one could complement them on this, it was rushed out because they were near a revolution because of features such as the usb port that didn't work.

While I also would like my A500 upgraded to 3.1, there is no major feature that doesn't work now that I expect will work after the update.

I would expect more devices to have drivers compatible with the USB port and other nifty improvements, but nothing that tempts me to return the unit.

Based on the announcements and rumors so far, it would appear that the version of 3.1 that is coming out works on Acer, ASUS and Toshiba as they are all announcing the rollout for about the same time and all use pretty much the same core hardware in terms processor, display, etc.

So I would suggest that you choose your tablet based on the features and figure that all the manufacturers uning a similar design will probably upgrade within a reasonable time from their competition.

After all, they haven't missed their "end of June" promise date yet.
I got the warranty from office drpot, so my tablet could accidently drop after some new 10" tablets with HC come out this summer.

Sent from my PC36100 using Android Tablet Forum
There is some truth in what you say. I can be patient when no one has 3.1, but it is more difficult when others have it and Acer doesn't. Hopefully the rumor about the end of June is true.

Do you want it RIGHT, or do you want it RIGHT NOW?

Why would you want them to rush out something that isn't ready especially when you haven't named A SINGLE THING that you find missing in 3.0.1.

Remember that Samsung has an absolutely horrible record about getting updates out on time.
They will lag behind when 3.2 comes out. Wait and see.
I've never been a patient man. One of my many failings I assume. When it comes to tablets, I do plan on upgrading every year. Thank God for Ebay! Besides selling my old device I find some other item about the house to toss up on Ebay and earn enough to pay cash for my next tablet. Did the same thing with PDAs. Started out with the Handspring, had several of them, then Palm, then moved into the Windows environment with several of those and now of course, the Iphone. Only because work pays for it, otherwise I'll have a android device. Some people spend hundreds on dollars on golf, fishing, hunting - me? Electronics. The only rule I follow is I have to earn the money for the next device through ebaY or plain old fashion saving. I always pay cash. It is my hobby. Had the original Ipad first week it came out.

Oh well, I haven't checked for the upgrade in five or six minutes, better do that again!