Swype keyboard on Beta

I have Swype installed and while Swype itself seems to work fine, I really notice the resistive screen as it is easy to inadvertently break a word into two causing unintended results. This is really the only time the resistive screen is noticeable in daily use. But, I still have the Swype keyboard active as it is easy to type on and with a 7" display it is easy to tap; with two fingers typing is pretty fast.
swype does not show up in the market from my S7. I use slide it keyboard anyways. Takes a little training but fast once your used to it.

It wouldnt download to ideos, said its not an android phone....

Did you try to download it form swype.com? That's where I downloaded if from. I logged in for the beta (now open to all) and downloaded the Swype installer and then downloaded the Swype keyboard. You have the option to download the full version or English/Spanish only which is a manageable 2meg download. I didn't receive any kind of error.
swype does not show up in the market from my S7. I use slide it keyboard anyways. Takes a little training but fast once your used to it.


It's not in the Market, you need to go to swype.com and click on the "MYSWYPE" button in the upper right corner of the page and then click on the Swype Beta link on the left. If you don't have an account you can sign up for one as I believe it is now open to all.
Did anyone notice that it say it may collect your texts, credit card info, and passwords ????
It allows me to finger type but not swipe the whole word. Strange.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
It wouldnt download to ideos, said its not an android phone....

The same thing happened to me when I used the Gmail app that came with my S7... but when I went to Gmail from Dolphin browser it worked perfectly.